Re: @alt descriptions for Thing Descriptions

Hi Janina and all,

Here is my pass at providing alternate text for the figures contained 
within the Thing Description spec.

I hope this is useful.


<Thing Description Alternate Text>

//Figure 1 TD Core Vocabulary

Thing Class - Table contains:
@context: anyURI (or Array)
@type: string [0..*]
id: anyURI
title: string
description: string [0..1]
created: dateTime [0..1]
modified: dateTime [0..1]
support: anyURI [0..1]
base: anyURI [0..1]
security: string [0..1]

NOTE: Each class is represented visually in it's own table.

This 'root' thing class relates to and feeds the following class tables:

Form class
{forms [0..*]
Link [0..*]}
MultiLanguage class
{titledescriptions [0..1]}
VersionInfo class
{version [0..1]
instance: string}

SecurityScheme class
{securityDefinitions: [1..*] }

PropertyAffordance class
{observable: boolean [0..1]
properties [0..*]}

ActionAffordance class
{safe: boolean
idempotent: boolean [0..1]
actions: 0..*
output: 0..1}

EventAffordance class

PropertyAffordance class also feeds the DataSchema class, as does the 
Interaction Affordance class. The Interaction Affordance class feeds the 
Multilanguage and Forms class.

InteractionAffordance class

PropertyAffordance class
{observable: boolean [0..1]
properties [0..*]}

ActionAffordance class
{safe: boolean
idempotent: boolean [0..1]}


// Figure 2 JSON schema vocabulary

DataSchema Class - Table contains
@type: string [0..*]
title: string
description: string [0..1]
const: (any type) [0..1]
unit: string [0..1]
enum: (Array)[0..*]
readOnly: boolean
writeOnly: boolean
format:  string [0..1]

StringSchema, BooleanSchema, NullSchema class all feed the DataSchema class.

As does:

ArraySchema class
{minitems: unsignedInt [0..1]
maxitems: unsignedInt [0..1]}

ObjectSchema class
{required: string [0..*]
maxitems: unsignedInt [0..1]}

NumberSchema class
{minimum: double [0..1]
maximum: double [0..1]}

IntegerSchema class
{minimum: integer [0..1]
maximum: integer [0..1]}

The DataScheme class property const: [oneOf: 0..*] feeds the 
MultiLanguage class.

MultiLanguage class
{titles: [0..1]
descriptions: [0..1]}

Also ObjectSchema and ArraySchema feed items and properties properties 
to the const property of the DataSchema class.

//Figure 3 WoT security vocabulary

SecuritySchema class - Table contains
@type: string [0..*]
scheme: string
description: string [0..1]
proxy: anyURI [0..1]

The scheme property from the SecuritySchema class feeds the 
MultiLanguage class. The MultiLanguage class contains:

MultiLanguage class
{descriptions: [0..1]}

The SecuritySchema class is fed by the following 10 classes:

NoSecurityScheme class

BasicSecurityScheme class
{in: string
name: string [0..1]}

DigestSecurityScheme class
{gop: string
in: string
name: string [0..1]}

APIKeySecurityScheme class
{in: string
name: string [0..1]}

BearerSecurityScheme class
{authorization: anyURI[0..1]
alg: string
format: string
in: string
name: string [0..1]}

CertSecurityScheme class
{identity: string [0..1]}

PSKSecurityScheme class
{identity: string [0..1]}

PublicSecurityScheme class
{identity: string [0..1]}

PopSecurityScheme class
{authorization: anyURI[0..1]
alg: string
format: string
in: string
name: string [0..1]}

OAuth2SecurityScheme class
{authorization: anyURI[0..1]
token: anyURI [0..1]
refresh: anyURI [0..1
scopes: anyURI [0..1]
flow: string }

//Figure 4 Hypermedia controls vocabulary

This vocabulary contains three classes, they are:

Link class
{href: anyURI
type: string [0..1]
rel: string [0..1]
anchor: anyURI}

Form class
{ op: string [1..*]
href: anyURI
contentType: string
contentCoding: string [0..1]
subprotocol: string [0..1]
security: string [0..*]
scopes: string [0..*]}

The contentCoding property feeds a response to the last class 

ExpectedResource class
{contentType: string
response: 0..1 }

//Figure 5 TD Serialization, TD and Thing on a light switch example

The following figure can be described using an aria-describedby property 
- as the paragraphs that follow it give a good overview of the contents 
of the figure.

<figcaption>Figure <bdi class="figno">5<!---0.037920%--></bdi> <span 
class="fig-title"><a href="#dfn-td-serialization" class="internalDFN" 
data-link-type="dfn">TD Serialization</a>, <a href="#dfn-td" 
class="internalDFN" data-link-type="dfn">TD</a> and <a href="#dfn-thing" 
class="internalDFN" data-link-type="dfn">Thing</a> on a light switch 

NOTE: I suggest using the second paragraph (start shown below), is a 
good description but as there is no ID associated with this <p> this 
will need to be added to create a programmatic association between the 
figure and the text that describes it.

<p>An intelligent WoT client can be assigned the task of turning a light 
off in ontological terms, using SAREF. [...]


</Thing Description Alternate Text>

Emerging Web Technology Specialist/A11y (WAI/W3C)

Received on Friday, 14 June 2019 11:22:04 UTC