Re: Language codes and iso639 series

Hi, Lisa, Christian, All:

It's unclear to me what kind of assistance you're seeking, and
specifically what agendum we might propose for a joint meeting during
TPAC. Christian, are you planning to attend TPAC? It would be helpful,
as I don't see us effectively carrying your concerns second hand.

I'm aware, at least to a degree, of ISO and IETF standardization on
language coding to include support for specifying sign language
but those are not activities directly in W3C's I18N remit,[2] though
working in coordination with those groups clearly is.

Is there a W3C i18n document Christian is looking to affect? Or perhaps
you're proposing something W3C might publish? APA would clearly be
interested, but the specifics just aren't in your email so I'm left

We were certainly aware of the multiplicity of sign languages when we
created our "Media Accessibility User Requirements (MAUR)"[3] document
during the process of defining HTML 5.0, and I believe HTML 5 supports
that well for alternative media. But, I don't think we've done anything
specifically beyond that activity in this space.

PS: Any news on standardizing lang codes for AAC?

Please feel free to say more. I'd like to be helpful if I can.




Lisa Seeman writes:
> Hi Janina
> Christian, who is cc'd is working on improving language code support so that it works for sign langage and the combinations. For example English sign language with Canadian dialact.
> Can we bring this up at TPAC with internationalisation?
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman
> LinkedIn, Twitter


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2019 16:17:11 UTC