Re: Editorial fix for FAST

Some more - each # is a spotted error or suggestion:

The JTC user needs link goes to a ZIP file containing two word docs - 
that should be hard coded into the URL, at least that it is a ZIP file e.g

  * JTC 1 User Needs [ZIP file/Word]

# In 1.4.2Identify ways to meet needs

All of these ways of meeting user needs are identfied, along with their 
relationships to each other.

should be

All of these ways of meeting user needs are identified, along with their 
relationships to each other.

# In 1.4.3 - this is really important section suggest bold of the 
following for emphasis:

  * <strong>If the author must implement something</strong>, the
    technology must provide a feature for the author to implement.
  * <strong>If the user need is met by design</strong>, the technology
    must provide suitably rich design capabilities.
  * <strong>If the user need is met by user agents</strong>, the
    technology must provide a sufficiently rich definition of the object
    for user agents to implement.

# Referring to 'HTML is somewhat semantics-oriented.' made me *grin.

# There is no definition of  'conformance profiles' referred to in 
1.4.3. Needed, as this term isn't in common usage.

# The sentence 'It may not be easy to state in a general prescriptive 
way whether a given technology should, for instance,' is too complex:


  "It may not be as simple as prescribing if a given technology should, 
for instance, provide a richer"

# It may not be clear to readers what "Horizontal review may continue to 
be important in guiding technology developers through the 
possibilities." means. A linked glossary entry help? With an explanation 
that a11y spans multiple disciplines and can not be thought of as 
existing only in a silo etc.

#Could be simpler "The set of approaches to meeting user needs that 
affects technology features becomes the base information for the 
Framework for Accessible Specification of Technologies."

"The set of approaches to meeting user needs that affects technology 
features becomes the /basis/ for the Framework for Accessible 
Specification of Technologies.These approaches are /here/ prioritized, 
organized, and translated into guidelines-type language. <del> to become 
the Framework for Accessible Specification of Technologies.</del>"

# Typo -  "In turn it should be easy to see where current guidelines 
/do/ <del>to</del> not meet user needs, that in theory should be able to 
be met by activities within the remit of that set of guidelines.



Emerging Web Technology Specialist/A11y (WAI/W3C)

Received on Monday, 29 April 2019 13:58:49 UTC