PRIVACY PREFERENCES FOR AHA | Webinar on Thu Sep 20 at 10:30am CEST

This is to follow-up on my message on  <> Privacy Preferences for Active and Healthy Aging (Wednesday, 29 August). There will be a public webinar on this topic on Thu Sep 20 at 10:30am CEST (European time).


Best regards,




Dear colleague

We are inviting you to our Webinar on Privacy Preferences for Active and Healthy Ageing <>  (AHA), that will take place the 20th September at 10.30 CEST.


The EIP-AHA Privacy Preferences for Active and Healthy Ageing are the result of a collaborative work between Action Group C2 and D4 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA).


>From personal health or other sensitive data, to images, photos, audio or video, we often inadvertently share personal information when using social networks, digital applications or even when we only access the Internet. The now published document presents a set of 31 EIP-AHA Privacy Preference Terms, based on 15 use cases, assembled by the working group through various sources. It is expected that the use of these terms will enable older users of technologies to predefine, if necessary with the support of their family members or caregivers, what they intend to share when using digital tools.

When determining the preferred collection of a user's privacy settings, a system needs to ask the user some relevant "privacy setup questions" or allow the user to choose from a set of predefined privacy settings. Each EIP-AHA privacy preference term addresses a specific privacy setting that occurs in one or several use cases. User preferences in privacy settings should be complementary to data protection laws, such as the European Union´s General Data Protection Directive (Directive 2016/6791).




* Introduction to the Collaborative Work – Carina Dantas (Cáritas Coimbra) 

* Working Group, Context and Approach


* Use case presentation – Oscar Zanutto (ISRAA) and Nicolai Kobliakov (Senior Group)


* EIP-AHA Privacy Preference Terms – Gottfried Zimmerman (Stuttgart Media University)

* Specific terms and ISO/IEC 24751-5 under development 


* Q&A


* What’s next? – Roberto Zuffada (WE4AHA)



You may connect on 20th September by accessing Adobe Connect -  <> Meeting Room gzimmermann-en


Don’t miss it!



The Coordinators,


Gottfried Zimmerman and Carina Dantas




Carina Dantas

Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra


Diretora do Departamento de Inovação

Innovation Director


telef. +351 92 542 17 14 / +351 239 792 430

e-mail:  <>

skype: carina.bordalo.dantas



Received on Monday, 10 September 2018 07:21:21 UTC