Re: Call for Consensus (CfC): Compute Pressure Ac

+ 1

Irfan Ali
Global Head, Digital Accessibility | BlackRock
Phone: +1 609.282.4378 | Mobile: +1 917.349.2698

On 11/29/23, 11:04 PM, "Janina Sajka" < <>> wrote:

External Email: Use caution with links and attachments


This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to the Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group testing for agreement on an Accessibility Considerations addition to the Device and Sensors Working Group's Compute Pressure API. The candidate AC section is attached to this email. The API is specified here:;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYWEhNCbM$ <;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYWEhNCbM$>

This draft AC was discussed at length on APA's regular weekly
teleconference of Wednesday 29 November as logged here:;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tY-ITQK0k$ <;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tY-ITQK0k$>

*** Action to Take ***

This CfC is now open for objection, comment, as well as statements of support via email. Silence will be interpreted as support, though messages of support are certainly welcome.

If you object to this proposed action, or have comments concerning this proposal, please respond by replying on list to this message no later than 23:59 (Midnight) Boston Time, Wednesday 6 December.

NOTE: This Call for Consensus is being conducted in accordance with the APA Decision Policy published at:;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYh3VcQ20$ <;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYh3VcQ20$>


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYxnJnGXc$ <;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYxnJnGXc$>

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYpwXanqQ$ <;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYpwXanqQ$>

Linux Foundation Fellow;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYBDc_8lg$ <;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!Zvh30ufZPDU3A9FyJHPlsF9jmae99KBOk4VJqyix5WhUvxMmXyaY689kmZRS6SaYW88PKnXVw3tYBDc_8lg$>

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Received on Thursday, 30 November 2023 15:36:45 UTC