AW: Call for Consensus (CfC): APA Comment on SVG Native


Mag. Fredrik Fischer, CWAE

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Von: Matthew Atkinson <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. April 2022 22:13:34
An: Accessible Platform Architectures Administration
Betreff: Call for Consensus (CfC): APA Comment on SVG Native


This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to the Accessible Platform Architectures
(APA) Working Group testing whether we have group consensus on comments and
suggested edits on the SVG Native Editor's Draft at

<beginning of suggested comment>

APA comments on the SVG Native Editor's Draft at

We are concerned that removing the ability to specify an accessible name and
description for the image (i.e. <title> and <desc>) would present accessibility
barriers, and would limit the capabilities of SVG Native compared to other
image formats.

We're concerned about the lack of ability to specify an accessible name and
description because content authors would have to take extra steps to provide
that information when working in the native context versus on the web. By
allowing the use of <title> and <desc> in SVG Native, authors could use the
same file in both contexts. Many operating environments provide a platform
accessibility API, and accessibility properties onto which the <title> and
<desc> values could be mapped.

Other image formats provide for similar metadata: the PNG spec provides for
various metadata, including an image description [1]; GIF and JPEG files
provide for metadata and text comment storage.

We request that, when the underlying platform supports the exposure of
accessible names or descriptions, that an SVG Native renderer (RFC 2119) MUST
expose their contents to the accessibility API.


<end suggested comment>

***Action to Take***

This CfC is now open for objection, comment, as well as statements of
support via email. Silence will be interpreted as support, though
messages of support are certainly welcome.

If you object to this proposed action, or have comments concerning this
proposal, please respond by replying on list to this message no later
than 23:59 (Midnight) Boston Time, Wednesday 4 May.

NOTE: This Call for Consensus is being conducted in accordance with the
APA Decision Policy published at:

We thank Paul Grenier for his assistance with crafting this comment, and for
everyone's input during our teleconference discussions on this topic.

best regards,

Matthew and Janina
Matthew Tylee Atkinson (he/him)
Senior Accessibility Engineer
TPG Interactive
A Vispero Company
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Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2022 18:19:06 UTC