Decision on CfC: Publish Second CAPTCHA Wide Review Draft


Multiple messages in support of this CfC have been received and one message opposing it. Given an overwhelming preponderance supporting publication, this CfC iss therefore
agreed to as a consensus decision of APA, and our document will now move to
publication for a second wide review.

The head of thread for this CfC can be found at:

The message in opposition expressed the opinion that this document does
not address "... the coga use cases well enough for wide review." This
dissent to the CfC is archived here:

Additional relevant COGA related commentary and response concerning this document can be found here:



Janina Sajka writes:
> Colleagues:
> This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to the Accessible Platform
> Architectures (APA) Working Group seeking consensus to publish the
> "Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA" document for a second, and we hope final, wide review.
> The draft to review for this CfC is here:
> This draft has undergone yet more extensive revision since our first
> wide review was published early this calendar year. We received numerous
> excellent comments all of which we believe we have now addressed. Of
> course, the additional comments received required our Research Questions
> Task Force to think even more deeply about the meaning and current
> implementations of CAPTCHA Turing Tests. Thanks to the many individuals
> who have provided substantive and editorial assistance in this effort.
> If your name isn't listed, please advise--because we intend to thank you
> formally in the publication.
> Please note that no substantive nor editorial changes
> will be applied during the CfC to the above URI. However, editorial work
> is likely to continue on the Editor's Draft which can be found here:
> *       ACTION TO TAKE
> This CfC is now open for objection, comment, as well as statements of
> support via email. Silence will be interpreted as support, though
> messages of support are certainly welcome.
> We particularly welcome questions and suggested edits, though this could
> delay publication. It's important we get this draft right.
> If you object to this proposed action, or have comments concerning this
> proposal, please respond by replying on list to this message no later
> than 23:59 (Midnight) Boston Time, Thursday 23 May.
> NOTE: This Call for Consensus is being conducted in accordance with the
> APA Decision Policy published at:
> Thanks again to everyone who's worked to update this important document.
> Janina
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Janina Sajka
> Linux Foundation Fellow
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Friday, 24 May 2019 04:38:43 UTC