Re: 48-Hour Call for Consensus (CfC): Publish CAPTCHA as W3C updated Note

Hello Janina, all,

Definitely +1 on your "Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA" report. I found it a great read: very well put-across in terms of its reasoning, its thread and that it was clearly widely researched (I'm resisting the temptation to stat a breadth-first search of the references just yet, but looking forward to reading several in more detail). The trust broker concept is compelling. I gather several sort-of similar systems seek to weave a "web of trust" between individuals, though they have all been very technical so far (i.e. users must manage their own keys) hence not so widespread. I wonder if trust brokering is something that Let's Encrypt or others might like to take up.

Anyway, back to the document... I would not want the below to delay publication (there's no need) but I did find some minor typographical issues (which I can file on GitHub if it helps)...

1. There's a phrase that reads "For +example, speakers of Arabic" I think the plus sign is spurious.

2. I noticed that the reCAPTCHA V2 is typeset as "V2", but more commonly "V. 2" (with a space) and sometimes "V.2" or even "v.2" (with no space, and the 'v' in different case).

3. Similar with V3, but there is less variation generally; I only noticed "V3" and "V. 3" there.

4. There's an instance of a space missing between a link "reCAPTCHA Version 3" and the text "Privacy Pass".

5. There's a spurious comma in "e.g.,adding support for biometrics".

There was a lot in here that piqued my interest generally—your point about the inherently temporal nature of one-dimensional media (sound, and maybe also Braille?) was really nice too.

This is going to be a great resource to share with others; thank you.

Best regards,

Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
The Paciello Group
A Vispero Company
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Received on Thursday, 8 August 2019 22:51:26 UTC