Setting up Web Payments A11y Call


As discussed in recent APA meetings recently, including in a joint
meeting with the Web Payments group during TPAC, we will undertake an
activity to identify use cases and requirements for the exchange of
monies using web technology.

It is expected our work will result in a Payments User Accessibility
Requirements much like the Media document we created for HTML5 media.

As we cannot conduct this work during our regular APA teleconference, we
are seeking an alternate day and time to conduct a teleconferences for
this activity. If you wish to participate in this work, please respond
to our WBS survey at:

Please note this WBS is scheduled to close at midnight, Boston Time, on
Tuesday 15 March.

Thanks for your interest in web payment accessibility.



Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2016 17:48:36 UTC