A Generic Annotation environment using RDF/XML

Art Barstow (HP/W3C), Jose Kahan (W3C), Marja-Riitta Koivunen (W3C), Ralph Swick (W3C) 
Annotea: A Generic Annotation environment using RDF/XML 

Annotea is a general Web annotation system being developed as part of the W3C Se mantic Web advanced development work to build novel applications of RDF and othe r Semantic Web tools. Annotea was first deployed publicly in November 2000. In t his presentation the Annotea development team will describe the architectural de sign decisions they made when using RDF to model annotations of Web documents. C lient implementations of Amaya will be demonstrated and plans for future directi ons will be described. 

Serkant KARACA
Senior Software Engineer


Received on Monday, 17 October 2005 20:39:14 UTC