ANother server library Fwd: Re: Associating EARL with a page

For your information and enjoyment :)

And thanks Nils.



------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Nils Ulltveit-Moe" <>
To: "Charles McCathieNevile" <>
Cc: "" <>, "Eric Prud'hommeaux"  
Subject: Re: Associating EARL with a page
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 05:38:13 +1000

Hi Charles

I must say that your discussion about connecting EARL and Annotea
intrigued me so much, that I used the weekend for coding a Python/
RDFlib based Annotea server, to learn more about Annotea and RDF.

PyNotea is Open Source, and released under the W3C license, and can
be found here: I have tested it
with AnnoZilla.

I will use PyNotea as a playground. Maybe annotations can be useful for
manual accessibility checking?

Nils Ulltveit-Moe

søn, 10,.04.2005 kl. 17.20 +1000, skrev Charles McCathieNevile:
> Hi folks,
> this is clearly a topic we need to think about. It's actually pretty mch  
> a
> general RDF question, not specific to EARL.
> There are a few ways that we can connect EARL to the page it is about.
> Most of the obvious ones are, I think, not very good because they involve
> relying on the author of a page, and I think in many many use cases where
> people will want to find EARL it will be whenthe author hasn't created or
> linked to it.
> This is the reason why I would not go very heavily down the path of using
> HTML's link with something like rel="meta", nor a URIQA server (an
> extended HTTP server that will store and return metadata for any resource
> as special methods), although both of those are reasonable options for
> authors to use and are not bad as such.
> It's also one reason I don't like the idea of a "well-known-location"
> convention, such as storing EARL in an /earl directory or something. I
> also dislike that for other reasons and think it is a bad idea.
> For the rest of us third party evaluators, it would be helpful to have
> somewhere to put EARL and for the rest of us EARL consumers it would be
> nice to have somewhere to look for it. Eric Prud'hommeaux said at the  
> face
> to face that his new annotea server should be able to handle EARL quite
> happily - it's a server you configure that receives and serves RDF. There
> are various other RDF servers around, too. And the nice thing is that  
> soon
> if you send any of them a query written in SPARQL, you should find out
> what they know.
> I actually have an informal action item to follow this up with EricP -
> apparently he needs to see an example query to configure his server, so
> here is an attempt at one for the current spec that asks for anything
> about an assertion where the assertion has 6 basic properties (The
> OPTIONAL stuff at the end is the attempt to gather all the other info. It
> is the part I am least sure of):
> PREFIX earl: <>
> PREFIX dc:   <>
> SELECT ?subject, ?test, ?result, ?assertor, ?date, ?mode, ?some, ?more,
> ?spare, ?stuff
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:assertedBy ?assertor )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:result ?result )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:subject ?subject )
>    ( earl:Assertion dc:date ?date )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:mode ?mode )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:testCase ?test )
>    ( earl:Assertion ?spare ?stuff )
>      ( ?stuff ?some ?more )
> }
> If I have the query right, this will pretty much tell you anything known
> about any Assertion that has some value for each of the 6 basic  
> properties
> I have noted. There are no constraints - I will start a seperate thread  
> on
> querying EARL, because I think this should be noted in the technical spec
> and explained in the tutorial one...
> cheers
> Chaals

Charles McCathieNevile                      Fundacion Sidar   +61 409 134 136

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2005 16:00:40 UTC