Re: annotations proxy
doesn't render when using as a proxy.


On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 16:49, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> I've written and installed an annotation proxy. It's in the current
> CVS tree at WWW/Annotations/bin/annoprox and run from port
> 8080. You can set your HTTP proxy to that address and see what
> annotation there are in the iggy database for whataever documents you
> browse.
> The proxy puts a table of contents of annotations at the top of
> annotated documents. I've run it with the command line:
>   ./annoprox -d ../../../Conf/annotate.prop -style "  .annotation { color: blue; background: grey; } .orphan { color: red; } "
> so you can be assured of some ugly annotations in line.
> should have some interesting examples.

Received on Tuesday, 7 December 2004 21:52:06 UTC