Re: testing iggy with amaya 8.6

On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 12:29:38PM -0400, Marja-Riitta Koivunen wrote:
> I got a testable version of Amaya 8.6. and here are some results:
> New annotations and replies seem to work fine.
> DC 1.0 seems to work fine: I created a new DC 1.0 annotation 
> on with Amaya 8.5 so it uses 
> DC 1.0 and I can see it also with Amaya 8.6.
> The iggy server has some problems e.g:
> The first annotations on page has a funny 
> looking body as the body seems to be missing (not sure if these were here 
> before of if the error that you already repaired before came back?).

from a reply in irc:

2004-07-08T18:21:13Z <ericP> marja, i think that is not worth worrying about
2004-07-08T18:21:28Z <ericP> from the attribution document [[
2004-07-08T18:21:40Z <ericP>    <a:Annotation
2004-07-08T18:21:40Z <ericP>     a:context="#demo6"
2004-07-08T18:21:40Z <ericP>     d:creator="Ralph Swick"
2004-07-08T18:21:40Z <ericP>     d:date="2002-08-12T00:02"
2004-07-08T18:21:42Z <ericP> ]]
2004-07-08T18:21:46Z <ericP> seems pretty old
2004-07-08T18:22:02Z <ericP> let me know if you can emulate this again, though

> Amaya gives annotation body URI as:
> The corresponding attribute URI is
> At times I also get notices: Failed to retrieve index or something like 
> that. So it sounds a lot like what happened with the annotest accident a 
> couple of weeks ago.

Jose, when does this message get sent to the user? Local and remote index

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Received on Thursday, 8 July 2004 14:25:20 UTC