Fwd: efficient retrieval of annotation bodies in Annotea

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>[Please accept my apologies if this has already been discussed; I did not 
>find it in the list archives.]
>I have been looking at the Annotea protocol, and it seems that one HTTP 
>GET request must be issued to retrieve each annotation body.  If a client 
>wants to retrieve the list of annotations for a page as well as all of the 
>associated bodies, it can't do so very efficiently.  Or did I miss 
>something in the spec?
>Are people open to extending the protocol to allow this kind of query? If 
>so, I'd be happy to experiment a bit and propose something concrete.
>Reference: http://www.w3.org/2002/12/AnnoteaProtocol-20021219
>Mark Smith
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Received on Saturday, 27 March 2004 16:50:20 UTC