Re: [web-annotation] ed sugg: textDirection

@r12a I would suggest further improvements to the text.

1. Text direction: The base direction of the text _in_ the resource.
(Note ... base implies the menaing ground/general, while overall, 
would suggest the "only" text direction. I think there are also 
resources which might mix texts, like bilingual forms including fields
 with english + arabic names )

2.  Auto:

> The property value indicating that the value of the resource is 
directionally isolated text, and that its direction is to be 
programmatically determined using the directional property of its 
first strong character.

The keyword indicating that the text of the resource is directionally 
isolated, and that its direction is to be programmatically determined 
accoding to the unicode standard:

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Received on Thursday, 1 September 2016 14:10:37 UTC