RE: Web Annotation WG Agenda for 8 April 11 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time (US)

My regrets as well, I have business conflicts.

Davis Salisbury

From: Tim Cole []
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 12:09 AM
To: 'Web Annotation'
Subject: Web Annotation WG Agenda for 8 April 11 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time (US)

The Web Annotation Working Group will convene on Friday 8 April at 11 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time (US).

Chair: Tim Cole
Regrets: Rob Sanderson

Draft Agenda as of 6 April:

1.      Scribe Selection, Agenda Review, Announcements

2.      Minutes Approval

PROPOSED RESOULTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved:

3.      Ideas / strategies for serializing annotations in HTML

4.      Strategies / Planning for Testing

Media types and Selectors: ,

5.      Any Other Business

Logistics / Call in details:

IRC channel: #annotation.
WebEx via computer:

   or direct dial in: +1-617-324-0000
  Meeting Number / Access Code: 645 413 954

We will continue to use Zakim (on IRC) to manage the queue, see notes in the wiki:

Remember that WebEx now needs a password. Email Tim (<>) if you need the password.

Roadmap (upcoming meeting agendas, subject to modification, re-ordering):

15 April

-        Update and more discussion re Testing

-        Issues review and updates; the following link shows currently open issues including those tagged editor_action:

22 April

-        Update and more discussion re Testing

-        Update on Berlin F2F Agenda

-        Update on horizontal reviews of 31 March Working Drafts


Rob & Tim

Received on Friday, 8 April 2016 14:30:00 UTC