Re: Annotations and the Graph

One further thing. It's very nitpicky but I think your json-ld
serialization needs to differentiate between the RDF built-in vocabulary
(rdf: the RDF schema
vacabulary (rdfs:



Jacob Jett
Research Assistant
Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship
The Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Street, MC-493, Champaign, IL 61820-6211 USA
(217) 244-2164

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Jacob Jett <> wrote:

> Hi Randall,
> Let me see if I can navigate your questions inline below.
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 6:56 PM, Randall Leeds <>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 4:41 PM Robert Sanderson <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Randall, Jacob,
>>> There are three issues with the proposal that I can see.
>>> One concern about the proposal is that rdf:Statement reifies a single
>>> triple, and an Annotation has significantly more flexibility.  For example,
>>> there may be no body to an Annotation, which would result in a statement
>>> with no subject.  Or for multiple bodies or multiple targets, there would
>>> be multiple subjects or objects respectively.  That's not the intent of
>>> rdf:Statement and related predicates, and I would be hard pressed to argue
>>> that it was kosher to subclass it.
>> I did suggest that Annotation could actually 1 or more rdfs:Statement
>> associated with it, rather than being an rdfs:Statement itself, but I was
>> trying to squeeze it into a shape that would be backward compatible with
>> many existing annotations, to make it more palatable.
> IMO, annotations (and other structured data types) are always backwards
> compatible, you just map one shape into another. This can be a lossy
> process unless you're allowed to extend with additional vocabs as needed.
> More to the point though, since there is no semantic difference (that I
> can see) between rdf:Statement or oa:Annotation (as a sub-class of
> rdf:Statement) it's hard to predict exactly how an OWL-based reasoner is
> going to treat it. As near as I can tell (and I'm not an expert here) one
> of at least (there could be more permutations) three possible scenarios
> might play out in the reasoner.
> Scenario 1: It may simply ignore the sub-class, i.e., all "annotations"
> are instances of rdf:Statement. In this world there simply are no
> annotations.
> Scenario 2: It may ignore the super-class (and thereby ignore the rdf and
> rdfs vocabularies altogether), i.e., all rdf-triples are instances of
> oa:Annotation (essentially replacing rdf with oa) since oa doesn't
> replicate all of the rdf and rdfs vocabularies I would think that this
> essentially breaks the whole thing because rdfs:Class is the lynchpin upon
> which the whole shooting match revolves and that goes away. Your instance
> of oa:Annotation is suddenly both an instance of rdfs:Class and not an
> instance of rdfs:Class (after all, if it is an instance of rdfs:Class then
> there isn't an rdf vocabulary in this case, as it gets replaced by the oa
> vocabulary). I think this weirdly gets into a chicken/egg problem and
> probably your reasoner loops itself straight to hell or large portions of
> your data simply don't work anymore or disappear.
> Scenario 3: The reasoner simply can't decide if all rdf-triples are
> instances of oa:Annotation or if all instances of oa:Annotation are just
> rdf:Statements and so the reasoner simply loops itself straight to hell.
> RDF only really works when things are instances of classes of things it
> already defines. An rdf-triple is an instance of an rdf:Statement and of no
> other thing. The class of rdf:Statements is an instance of rdfs:Class
> asserted by the rdf:predicate, rdf:type.
> I think maybe you're trying to treat RDF as though it were UML, which it
> isn't. Likewise, we often discuss everything about this RDF-based model as
> though RDF was a serialization format, which it also isn't. On the whole
> the group frequently asks the wrong questions about the model, i.e., "what
> does this data do?" Data is data, it just kind of is. The correct question
> is "what can I do with this data?"
> I'm still not sure I'm convinced that an annotation without a body is a
>> useful thing. I know we debated it and decided to include it. I can't
>> remember why. It would seem to me any such annotation could have a stub
>> body. Or, more likely, that there is no annotation, there is only the
>> production of a SpecificResource.
> This proves my point about the questions. There are numerous use cases
> surrounding highlighting, bookmarking, upvoting, etc. that nominally do not
> have "bodies" as we traditionally think of them. I follow the rough notion
> of "stub body" and frankly I'm of the opinion that if a youtube video can
> be a body or an actionable edit can be a body then some actionable CSS can
> also be a body (and so I'm somewhat sympathetic with an argument that
> annotation's without bodies actually should (and do) have bodies). However,
> I'm not too sympathetic with the notion that bodiless annotations are "not
> useful" or that they are not annotations at all. Just because one person's
> set of use cases doesn't call for them doesn't mean that someone else's
> doesn't. Since our standard is a Web standard then it needs to have a broad
> range of features that not every implementer is going to use, which in turn
> is going to complicate implementation and interoperability but that's the
> price we have to pay for a generalized approach.
>> You could say that bookmarking is an annotation with the bookmarking
>> motivation that has no body. Or you could just say that you have a bookmark
>> (the body) and it refers to the target. Whether you even need an annotation
>> as a separate resource here is questionable to me.
> But it's not questionable to others. The question is should the model be
> inclusive of use cases (and communities) or exclusive? If the latter then
> why is it in the W3C standards process? The beauty (and the high price) of
> the Web (and Semantic Web) is that any community can develop data
> vocabularies particular to their community's needs. The W3C standards are
> supposed to be the backbone that supports those activities and makes it
> possible for them work together at various levels. If we discount certain
> positions as not worthy of support then I'm not certain how we'll ever
> develop a standard that makes that backbone possible.
>>> Secondly, motivation and predicate are not really the same thing, as has
>>> become clearer with the adoption of the role proposal to allow motivations
>>> to be associated per body.  For example, if you had a single Annotation
>>> with a motivation of bookmarking, and a body with a role of describing,
>>> plus a second body with a role of tagging, the use of rdf:predicate seems
>>> very difficult to work with.
>> It seems easier to me, though difficult to put them all into a single
>> annotation. Again, though, here I am confused about what the model is
>> attempting to do. It seems like it's trying to double as a simple container
>> when really the user could create a container and give it provenance and
>> have it contain all the annotations, one which describes and another which
>> tags. Or maybe you have a resource "Bookmark" which can have properties for
>> tags and descriptions, and the predicate relates the bookmark and the
>> annotation.
> The model is providing an "annotation kind of" container and promulgates
> certain metadata specific to the "annotation kind of" container that
> support both its findability and distinguishes it from other kinds of
> containers.
> I get that you have a need for a container with some provenance but, an
> annotation would be a sub-class of *that container*. There are other
> kinds of containers too, like collections. Collections are much more
> generic. There's actually a formalization that defines them quite well:
> ∀y(∃x isGatheredInto(x,y)↔ Collection(y))
> You can read all about it in the following paper: Wickett, K. M., Renear,
> A. H., & Furner, J. (2011). Are collections sets? *Proceedings of the
> 74th ASIS&T Annual Meeting* (New Orleans, LA, 9-13 October 2011).
> The important thing is to avoid disenfranchising entire web-going
> communities of practice simply because their needs are different.
> Why should we avoid instantiating a Bookmark and instead create an
>> Annotation that refers to some tags, some text, and some link, and
>> complicates the relationship between them?
> See above, but more generally simply because we're the web annotation
> group and we're modeling annotations.
> In your example's case it just so happens that the annotation is a
> bookmark. Could some other community develop a model particular to
> bookmarks? Of course they could, but that's not our job. Our job is to
> develop the model of annotations and allow enough affordances for those
> communities who believe that bookmarking is one of the roles that an
> annotation can play to serialize annotations motivated by bookmarking.
>> And finally ... we already have rdf:Statement (and the recommendations
>>> against its use) and named graphs. If an Annotation were restricted to just
>>> a single statement, I'm not sure that we would need a new specification :)
>> Thanks for making my point for me.
> I think I missed the point where he made the point for you. The problem is
> that your proposal doesn't actually create a sub-class of rdf:Statement
> inasmuch as it simply makes an alias for it. The effects of aliasing
> rdf:Statement are uncertain (but are probably calamitous if you don't alias
> the rest of RDF). It isn't clear if oa:Annotation inherits the properties
> of rdf:Statement or simply replaces it wholecloth vis-a-vis OWL-based
> reasoners. This undermines the firmament upon which the model stands for
> the Semantic Web side of this working group (and the Semantic Web
> community).
> I feel like this is a problem for engineers in general and developers in
> particular. You're reinventing the wheel by sub-classing. But we already
> have plenty of wheels. Just pick one and stick with it. The container here
> is the annotation-flavored one, if another container is required then this
> may be the wrong standard for your use cases.
>> SpecificResource and the selector vocabulary is great and I don't see
>> anything that exists quite like that.
> Here I'm in total agreement with you. I've suggested to Rob in the past
> that the Specific Resource / Specifiers generalizes to a broader set of
> Web/Semantic Web use cases. Perhaps what is really needed is a more
> generalized Web/Semantic Web container specification that exploits and
> develops that part of the vocabulary. What is the procedure for proposing
> that we spin that part out to a different, more general working/community
> group?
>> But we have mechanisms to distribute statements with attribution. I don't
>> understand what the model adds to that other than, it seems, a way to
>> obfuscate the semantics and avoid actually creating triples that relate the
>> body and target.
> It's providing a framework where people who don't agree on the nature of
> the relationship between body and target can still agree that body and
> target are related and also provide their interpretation of that
> relationship through motivation/role. Afterall what you call a comment, I
> (rather intractably) call a remark. It prevents a combinatorial explosion
> of predicates by dumping that information into an attribute value bucket.
> (Note that avoidance of these kinds of combinatorial explosions is the
> hallmark of a quality ontology. Examples of ontologies that fail to do
> this, e.g., Bibframe, Schema, etc., showcase where a failure to generalize
> through the proper exploitation of metaproperties has occurred. In
> Bibframe's case, it has many predicates particular to naming (identifier)
> or other standards. Since we keep inventing more standards we can safely
> expect that Bibframe will continue its expansion forever. We've avoided
> that here by providing a framework where everyone agrees that the thing in
> question is an annotation and other communities do the work of determining
> its precise nature, e.g., is it a bookmark, comment, edit, etc. This is
> great division of labor for vocab development but seems to be a major
> complicating factor for JSON developers.)
>> In a sense, it seems to me like the purpose of much of the model is to
>> escape from having to model that which we want to model.
> In a sense that is correct. We're trying to provide a model that gives us
> agnostic annotation-flavored containers. The precise relationships between
> the bodies and targets is left for individual communities of practice to
> define through the motivation/role attribute value. Rather than mandate
> what kinds of annotations there are from on-high, we just give some high
> level examples of how they can express this information themselves.
> I get that this makes like harder on JSON developers but I'm going to take
> an extremely blunt tack and tell you that it's for your own good. The
> end-users need to be the community that shapes the structure of the data.
> What best captures the idiosyncracies of their intentions and needs. Not,
> what is most convenient for us to parse and serialize.
> The outcomes of your proposal are completely unknown but the worst part
> is, the unknown factor isn't one you need to worry about. You're asking
> another community to pay the tab for changes just so that life is more
> convenient for your community. That's the worst possible reason to make a
> proposal.
> I apologize to everyone for the soapbox sermon but this working group
> sometimes feels like a house divided. If we don't stop playing use case
> trumpery and focus more broadly on the cost and benefits for all of the
> communities involved, it's hard for me to see how this process will result
> in something successful.

Received on Wednesday, 28 October 2015 17:47:04 UTC