Re: ITS 2.0 example in web annotation

Hey Felix and Ivan,

I think you'd still want to provide some sort of content for the `body` to
a "typical" annotation system that might find your annotation, so that it
could at least display something.

  "body": {
    "motivation": "tagging",
    "content": "translate"
    "itsrdf:*": ... etc...

However, I still feel like these `itsrdf` properties are in the wrong place
and should be attached to the target. Since `body` is optional anyhow (and
annotation systems which don't find bodies would likely just ignore
them...unless they wanted them), you'd end up with something like this (see
below Felix's it's a revision...):

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 3:06 AM, Felix Sasaki <> wrote:

> Thank you for the feedback, Ivan. Would it help to add e.g. a motivation,
> e.g. see below:
> {
> "@id": "",
> "@type": "Annotation",
> "target": {
> "source": "",
> "selector": {
> "@type": "FragmentSelector",
> "conformsTo": "",
> "value": "/itsProcessingInput"
> }
> },
> "body": {
> "motivation": "tagging",
> "itsrdf:translate": "yes",
> "itsrdf:dir": "ltr",
> "itsrdf:withinText": "no",
> "itsrdf:term": "no",
> "itsrdf:localeFilterList": "*",
> "itsrdf:localeFilterType": "included"
> }
> }

  "id": "",
  "type": "Annotation",
  "target": {
    "type": "SpecificResource",
    "source": "",
    "selector": {
      "type": "FragmentSelector",
      "conformsTo": "",
      "value": "/itsProcessingInput"
    "itsrdf:translate": "yes",
    "itsrdf:dir": "ltr",
    "itsrdf:withinText": "no",
    "itsrdf:term": "no",
    "itsrdf:localeFilterList": "*",
    "itsrdf:localeFilterType": "included"

Here's the "bodies are optional" bit:
"There *SHOULD* be 1 or more body relationships or properties associated
with an Annotation but there *MAY* be 0."

This variation of the example ITS + Web Annotation seems to say the right

Here's what it looks like on the JSON-LD Playground:

And in n-quads:
<> <> <> .
<> <>
_:b0 .
_:b0 <> <> .
_:b0 <> _:b1 .
_:b0 <> <> .
_:b0 <itsrdf:dir> "ltr" .
_:b0 <itsrdf:localeFilterList> "*" .
_:b0 <itsrdf:localeFilterType> "included" .
_:b0 <itsrdf:term> "no" .
_:b0 <itsrdf:translate> "yes" .
_:b0 <itsrdf:withinText> "no" .
_:b1 <> <> .
_:b1 <> <> .
_:b1 <>
"/itsProcessingInput" .

...that's easier to read in the playground...sorry it's not in Turtle.

>From what I understand, this makes "more correct" statements about the
SpecificResource vs. a body related to the SpecificResource.

Does that look correct?

Developer Advocate

> „tagging“ could be seen as subsuming all ITS related annotations.
> - Felix
> Am 19.11.2015 um 06:30 schrieb Ivan Herman <>:
> Felix, others,
> I just try to locate where the problem might be when combining it with the
> annotation model…
> The json file, whether seen as pure JSON  (JSON-LD) is technically
> correct. However, if the annotation gets into a special annotation system,
> that may find itself in an edge case: indeed, the body of the annotation
> does not use *any* of the properties that are defined in the annotation
> model. We would have to check whether there is any constraints defined in
> the model whereby certain things *must* be present ('content', etc). But
> systems might still fall over on such edge cases… Benjamin, Paolo, what
> would your annotation server do?
> Thanks
> Ivan
> On 12 Nov 2015, at 19:52, Felix Sasaki <> wrote:
> Following the meeting at TPAC and the discussion we had recently on this
> list, I created an example of how a set of ITS 2.0 information stored
> following the web annotation data model could look like:
> 1) Counterpart of web annotation: storage of ITS information as markup in
> the XML document itself (note that the annotated document is an XML
> document):
> 2) Storage using the web annotation model:
> (I decided to use the FragmentSelector)
> Feedback of course more than welcome.
> - Felix
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C
> Digital Publishing Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Thursday, 19 November 2015 15:49:13 UTC