Re: [web-annotation] Support for Notification

@gobengo re: "simplest thing out there (just an 'FYI you were 
mentioned at this URI')" - So, that's nothing more than an HTTP POST 
with two parameters to a reserved endpoint somewhere. Are you 
suggesting that's spec or discussion worthy in this day and age?

Let me put it this way, if simplicity was the only concern here, we 
only need to make a POST to an URL (e.g., an article which accepts 
notifications, i.e., POSTs) with a single parameter; source HTTP URI. 
That doesn't even introduce the extra step to discover the endpoint. 
If simplicity is truly what you are really after, there you have it.

Webmention neither gives you a simple nor a precise mechanism to make 
notifications. It isn't precise simply because it offloads the work to
 the implementer to figure out which claim(s) there may be and or 
actually intended for the receiver. It doesn't include the `property` 
parameter. That's causes unnecessary imperative programming with 
non-interoperable internal logic per implementation. It would be 
better handled by taking the declarative approach when submitting 
notifications, i.e., tell exactly the source, property, target to the 
receiver about the claim so that it can also verify it easily. That 
"triple" so to speak, is part of the core data, and not some 
"extension" (which is a completely flawed understanding of data). I've
 discussed this in sufficient detail elsewhere. Please give or review Webmention issue 1 again.

In the case of Web Annotation, something like this (among many other 
possibilities) is what we'd like: "An annotation of a specific 
kind/role/motivation.. was made to this media fragment by someone on 
this date, with this license.. ". Webmention doesn't give you that by 
any stretch of the imagination.

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Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 21:42:35 UTC