Github repository for the Web Annotation WG

I have set up the repository at:

The default (and currently only) branch is "gh-pages". This also means that all HTML files in the repo can be seen delivered as proper HTML on:

It will be a good habit to add entries to the index.html on the top to the folders we create for the various documents, so that the URL above would link to the right documents in HTML right away. This will facilitate reading/reviewing later.

I have also created a separate collaborator team at:

whose members have pull-push access to the repository. Based on the github ID-s I have received or, in some cases, that I knew from other W3C repos this list now includes (or an invitation has been generated) for:

Dave Cramer
Frederick Hirsch
Dan Whaley
Raphaël Troncy
Doug Schepers
Rob Sanderson
Bill Kasdorf
Art Barstow
Ivan Herman

Send me your github handle if you want to be added.



Ivan Herman, W3C 
Digital Publishing Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
GPG: 0x343F1A3D

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2014 03:42:10 UTC