- From: Maxence Guesdon <maxence.guesdon@inria.fr>
- Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:46:56 +0200
- To: Web Annotation <public-annotation@w3.org>
Hello, Here is my self introduction. I'm a research engineer in INRIA[1], a French institute of research in computer science, where I develop software for research teams, mainly in OCaml[2]. I've been interested in semantic web technologies since some years now, developing OCaml-RDF[3], an OCaml library to manipulate RDF graphs and execute Sparql queries. I see annotations in particular as a new way to allow the "big scientific discussion", which by now still occurs on the old paper-based model (including PDFs). PDFs are a way to publish "on" the web, but scientific publications would gain being publications "for" the web, i.e. in HTML, to provide additional features like different levels of reading[4], interactions to show the behaviour of an algorithm, ... In this context, the difference between a regular article and a long annotation is not clear, as an article cites or can be a reply to previously published texts, and the status of journals is not clear either. After all, annotation-based discussions can be seen as peer-reviews of annotations. This led me to develop Stog[5], a tool to write articles for the web, with a Stog-RDF plugin so that articles can be accompanied by RDF graphs indicating for example http://foo.bar/1#proof1 math:isproofof http://foo.bar/1#theorem1 or http://foo.bar/1#theorem1 math:uses http://gee.net/13#maintheorem This is a work in progress. Another work in progress is an annotation server and client, allowing public or "private" annotations, using public/private RSA keys rather than login/password authentication. The goal is to be able to use different servers (think of servers for communities, for your department, ...) to store annotations regarding different activities and contexts. Each annotation can be public or attached to keys, allowing only the persons having the keys to access the annotation. This is my first participation to a W3C working group. I will not be able to attend all meetings, though I will do by best. I cannot attend tomorrow's telco. Best regards, Maxence [1] http://www.inria.fr/ [2] http://ocaml.org [3] http://zoggy.github.io/ocaml-rdf/ [4] For example expand/collapse proofs in http://zoggy.github.io/vlmc-suffix-trie/articles/uncommon-suffix-tries.html [5] http://zoggy.github.io/stog/
Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 10:19:55 UTC