RE: annotation protocol

Rob -  Yes, that helps, thanks.

My question, briefly, is this. If an annotation is created for a resource, does the annotation processing model include provision of a notification to the annotated resource of the creation of the annotation.   Is this covered by:

·         Server notifying client, or another server, that an annotation was created/updated/deleted/retrieved

And related is the capability of a third party searching for annotations.  (Where by “third party”, I mean: party one creates the annotation,  party 2 is where the annotated resource resides, and party 3 would be someone who discovers the annotated resource.)

I’ve put numbers on your list.

1.      Client creating an Annotation in a (remote, networked) storage system

2.      Client updating the annotation

3.      Client deleting the annotation

4.      Client retrieving the annotation

5.      Client searching for matching annotations

6.      Client browsing annotations

7.      Server notifying client, or another server, that an annotation was created/updated/deleted/retrieved

8.      Server A synchronizing annotations from Server B

I suppose in 1 through 5, “client” is party 1.  Can we assume that in 6, the client is the third party?  And  by “browsing” do you mean “querying” or do you mean something else?  And what party is the “server” in 7 and 8.

(Sorry for all the questions.)



From: Robert Sanderson []
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 3:41 PM
To: Denenberg, Ray
Cc: Web Annotation
Subject: Re: annotation protocol

Hi Ray, all,

Apologies for the shorthand of "protocol", it came from the naming discussion.

By "protocol", I mean:  any network interaction between systems (deliverable 4).

This would thus include, and not be limited to:
  * Client creating an Annotation in a (remote, networked) storage system
  * Client updating the annotation
  * Client deleting the annotation
  * Client retrieving the annotation
  * Client searching for matching annotations
  * Client browsing annotations
  * Server notifying client, or another server, that an annotation was created/updated/deleted/retrieved
  * Server A synchronizing annotations from Server B

And distinct from the internal API within a client for manipulating an annotation (deliverable 5).

Does that help?


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Denenberg, Ray <<>> wrote:
I am not clear on what we mean when we talk about protocol with respect to annotations.

In my view of the world of annotations, ProviderX has a database of resources, for example, journal articles. UserA reads an article and creates an annotation.  That annotation is a resource created on some annotation database that userA has access to create an annotation on (obviously, not on ProviderX’s database).    UserB (unrelated to UserA) comes across that article and want to see annotations of the article.

How does UserB discover UserA’s annotation (or for that matter any annotation of that article)? UserB doesn’t even know of the existence of UserA and his/her annotation database.

Is this what we mean (or part of what we mean) by annotation protocol?

Pardon the naïve question but I don’t see this addressed in the model.   It is something I’ve wondered about for quite a while and don’t have an answer.  But I speculate that part of the process is that when UserA creates the annotation,  ProviderX is somehow notified of its creation and can choose to point to that annotation, and then UserB can find it.

Is this issue addressed anywhere in any greater detail than this vague description?  Or is this to be part of the “protocol” to be developed.

Apologies if this has all been addressed and solved,  and I just can’t find it.


Rob Sanderson
Technology Collaboration Facilitator
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford, CA 94305

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 22:38:15 UTC