WKT Annotation Selectors and Spatial Queries

I caught Paolo Ciccarese's talk on "Interoperable Biomedical Image
Annotations: Describing and Linking Biomedical Images through Open
Annotation and Domain Ontologies" at this workshop:

With encouragement from Paolo during the Q&A, I'm posting my
question/comment here:

Has Well Known Text (WKT - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text)
been considered for an annotations selector along with SVG and web media
fragments URI?  It seems to me to be a good choice considering the heavy
use of WKT in the GIS community.  Additionally, WKT is usually a trigger
for spatial indexing in systems that support it for answering queries like
distance, intersection, etc.  Incorporating a more robust annotation
selector that can deal with various geometries (line, square, polygon, etc)
and be supported in spatial indexing would allow queries that could bring
all annotations back that are within 10 miles of a point (or polygon) or in
the non-GIS spatial case, say, bringing back all annotations within 27
pixels in a biomedical image from a given point or polygon.

Biomedical imaging and their related polygon segmentations is a use case
that would be good to include as part of the new Spatial Data on the Web
working group:

  - Erich

Erich Bremer, M.Sc.
Director for Cyberinfrastructure
Health Sciences Division of Applied Informatics
Stony Brook Medicine
Tel. : 1-631-444-3560
Fax  : 1-631-444-8873
Cell : 1-631-681-6228
Office Location/Mailing Address
HSC, L3: Room 119
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8330

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 21:14:50 UTC