xml schema generator, and learning xml (never too late) AND YAML!!!

so, continue to learn from doing, looks like there is no end

found this thing that looks like it could do part of the job

trying to reverse the xml file I uploaded  to HF

generates an error message

Unable to generate the XSD document using the provided XML input. The
markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed.

so now the next question is, what is the difference between a valid xml
file AND a well formed XML file? brownie points for answers ()
Here is the answer from the web

The primary difference between valid and well formed XML is that *valid XML
must conform to a document type definition (DTD).* *Well formed XML does
not need to conform to a DTD*. Valid XML requires a DTD. Valid XML
documents enable document authoring, processing, storage and display to
exist in a structured environment.

Valid XML Documents - Instantiations
[image: image.png]
https://www.instantiations.com › vast-support › vaug322
Now I need to figure out how to fix the file to use the tool (next episode)

In the meantime, from the tool I can also learn, following Peter s advice
about XDT design
The generator uses one of 3 designs to generate the XSD (consult xfront.com
for more details):

Russian Doll: Mimics the document structure, i.e. elements within other
elements are declared locally
Salami slice: Disassembles the document into individual elements and
assembles them into components by referencing them
Venetian Blind: Disassembles the document into individual components, but
creates type definitions instead of element declaration

and finally  while updating the Readmefile on HF, I got a YAML error
YAML??????   now what   Lessons in YAML

From the series: KYT (Know your thing)
to be continued.....

Received on Monday, 4 March 2024 02:26:14 UTC