Fwd: [ontolog-forum] The immense power of human intelligence

Slides attached, very useful references on many topics relevant to this
John, in cc
 we take the opportunity to say thank you and hello and Happy New Year from
all of us


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John F Sowa <sowa@bestweb.net>
Date: Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 12:36 AM
Subject: [ontolog-forum] The immense power of human intelligence
To: ontolog-forum <ontolog-forum@googlegroups.com>,
ontology-summit@googlegroups.com <ontology-summit@googlegroups.com>

The article on phaneroscopy, which I have finally finished, shows the
immense power of human intelligence, of which LLMs can simulate only a tiny
aspect.  Compared to earlier work on machine translation, it's an important
aspect.  But in a comparison with what the human brain can do, it's
pathetically weak.  In fact, it's pathetically weak compared to a rat brain.

The concluding Section 7, which is attached below, shows an illustration of
an intelligent human system (Figure 18), a design for an intelligent AI
system (Figure 19), and a design for AI systems that implement aspects of
intelligence for practical computer systems.  They aren't AGI systems, but
they would have a chance of supporting  systems that are more powerful than
anything done with LLMs by themselves.  In fact, they could use LLMs to
support a language interface.

The preceding Section 6 surveyed aspects of human intelligence.  But the
references that follow Section 7 include two slide sets for talks that
survey aspects of human intelligence and contain many references to the
original research reports.  To begin, see
https://jfsowa.com/talks/natlog.pdf .  For more, see

As I have said many times, I fully appreciate the value of LLM technology.
But ongoing research in neuroscience shows that animal brains, from the rat
on up, are vastly more powerful.   AGI is far in the future.  As  I would
bet, not in the 21st century.


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Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2024 12:39:34 UTC