- From: Owen Ambur <owen.ambur@verizon.net>
- Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 19:28:18 +0000 (UTC)
- To: ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com>
- Cc: W3C AIKR CG <public-aikr@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <1714288702.2597138.1680550098324@mail.yahoo.com>
Milton, UNESCO's recommendations are now available in StratML format at https://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#REAI Soon they will be discoverable at https://search.aboutthem.info/ In the meantime, a full-text query for "artificial intelligence" narrowed by a query for the value "ethics" turns up 21 hits, the first of which is your plan at https://stratml.us/docs/PDAIKR.xml While it may be appropriate to conduct a conference(s) on this topic, coalescing around and beginning to implement a plan would be better. See StratML use case Goal 20: Conferences & Meetings ~ Publish the agendas for significant conferences and public meetings as performance plans and reports on the Web in open, standard, machine-readable format. Reference also Michael Schrage's assertion in Shared Minds that meetings that don't generate documents may not be worth conducting. Indeed, if they don't produce performance reports, anyone's assessment of their value is as good as anyone else's. Moreover, if such reports aren't available in an open, standard, machine-readable format, those who produce them are engaging in somewhat anti-social behavior. In particular, why should we trust any AI developer who fails to report their intentions and results in such format? Fo us to do so might be taken as a case of artificial ignorance. Owen Amburhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/owenambur/ On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 02:04:15 AM EDT, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com> wrote: CORRECTION. Here is an answer to the question how to direct and guide the unstoppable process. https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/artificial-intelligence-unesco-calls-all-governments-implement-global-ethical-framework-without Since it is given that all of us as members of the mailing lists of the W3C actually READ scientific publications, there are two special groups IN PARTICULAR that we should dialogue with, being academic publishers and (scientific) libraries. They are the gatekeepers and keepers of scientific knowledge respectively and both play a crucial role in the UNESCO global ethical framework for AI. Any direction and steering processes should start with these two groups and international standards bodies, professional regulatory bodies and professional associations. Perhaps an idea to organize a conference on this? Milton Ponson GSM: +297 747 8280 PO Box 1154, Oranjestad Aruba, Dutch Caribbean Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 01:59:35 AM AST, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com> wrote: Here is an answer to the question how to direct and guide the unstoppable process. https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/artificial-intelligence-unesco-calls-all-governments-implement-global-ethical-framework-without Since it is given that all of us as members of the mailing lists of the W3C actually scientific publications, there are two special groups that we should dialogue with, being academic publishers and (scientific) libraries. They are the gatekeepers and keepers of scientific knowledge respectively and both play a crucial role in the UNESCO global ethical framework for AI. Any direction and steering processes should start with these two groups and international standards bodies, professional regulatory bodies and professional associations. Perhaps an idea to organize a conference on this? Milton PonsonGSM: +297 747 8280PO Box 1154, Oranjestad Aruba, Dutch Caribbean Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development On Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 11:36:18 PM AST, Georg Rehm <georg.rehm@dfki.de> wrote: This letter is nothing but hype. Emily Bender dissected the letter on Twitter and put together the essence of it on Medium. I’d like to invite everyone to have a look: https://medium.com/@emilymenonbender/policy-makers-please-dont-fall-for-the-distractions-of-aihype-e03fa80ddbf1 Best regards,Georg On 29. Mar 2023, at 21:46, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com> wrote: This letter speaks for itself. https://www.reuters.com/technology/musk-experts-urge-pause-training-ai-systems-that-can-outperform-gpt-4-2023-03-29/ I may not want to put it as bluntly as Elon Musk, who cautioned against unregulated AI which he called "more dangerous than nukes", but when Nick Bostrom, the late Stephen Hawking, and dozens, no hundreds of international experts, scientists and industry leaders start ringing the bell, is is time to pause and reflect. Every aspect of daily life, every industry, education systems, academia and even our cognitive rights will be impacted. I would also like to point out that some science fiction authors have done a great job on very accurately predicting a dystopian future ruled by technology, perhaps the greatest of them all being Philip K. Dick. But there are dozens of other authors as well and they all give a fairly good impression what awaits us if we do not regulate and control the further development of AI now. Milton PonsonGSM: +297 747 8280PO Box 1154, Oranjestad Aruba, Dutch Caribbean Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development -- | Prof. Dr. Georg Rehm Principal Researcher and ResearchFellow | | | DFKI GmbH, Alt-Moabit 91c, 10559 Berlin,Germany Phone: +49 30 23895-1833 – Fax:-1810 – Mobile: +49 173 2735829 georg.rehm@dfki.de | | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für KünstlicheIntelligenz GmbH Firmensitz: Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger (Vorsitzender), Helmut Ditzer Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Ferri Abolhassan Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313 |
Received on Monday, 3 April 2023 19:28:37 UTC