Re: Linguistics for the Age of AI

Thank you for sharing
It would be great to highlight the relevance and impact on AI KR

On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 2:05 PM Amirouche BOUBEKKI <>

> I just started reading the book.
> There is already several ideas that I took for granted (fwiw), in my
> previous work like:
> A) AI agents must be interactive, it reads as action-oriented in the book,
> quote:
> > Our model of NLU does not require that agents exhaustively interpret
> every input to an externally imposed standard of perfection. Even  people
> don’t do that. Instead, agents operating in human-agent teams need to
> understand inputs to the degree required to determine which goals, plans,
> and actions they should pursue as a result of NLU
> B) The importance of explainable AI, quote:
> > The importance of explainable AI cannot be overstated: society at large
> is unlikely to cede important decision-making in domains like health care
> or finance to machines that cannot explain their advice.
> I highly recommend to read the introduction entitled 'Setting the Stage':
> The whole book is open-access pdf available at:

Received on Saturday, 23 October 2021 10:07:57 UTC