geometry of abstraction, implications for KR?

Greets folks

Hope everyone is well- here in survival mode but trying to stay alive and
do Interesting work some of which I can share

I  found important new work relevant to the KR and AI domain

Here is a talk by the same researcher

This topic spikes my neurons, and is shaping the future
Hope it makes it into your weekend reading list

background and related:

In exploring new roles for KR in relation to bias AI ethics, explainability
and other topics not yet in the textbooks
as per discussions on this list- I started to look at the usefulness of KR
in structuring domain knowledge for Neuroscience when I realized the  many
ongoing challenges

I gave a couple of short talks where I mentioned in passing  among other
things I am studying
the usefulness of geometrical patterns to represent some correlations in
the brain
One of the references I had in mind was Oizumi

The geometry of consciousness

Here is my short talk on Loom (I have different versions of this talk at
different symposia recently but here is the gist)

Best listened to at 1.2 speed. I prefer to listen to it a touch faster than
and btw-  Screencastify started playing up on me so I moved to Loom

Btw this is forthcoming, FYI

Neuroethics - Google Slides - Watch Video


Received on Saturday, 17 October 2020 04:32:22 UTC