Line 8

    I'd like to take a deeper look into line 8 of the HTML file that I sent you.

The column named "tag" and the column named "value"  are the only columns that were presented in the original xml.

tag	= "Acronym"
value ="zblzPOTUS" **SQ protected.

This xml's ontology was enriched by adding new information (meshed information) from the XSD.

the column titled "fromXSD:KRID:" carries the knowledge resource identifier of the Metadata tag. EG "acronym".
fromXSD:KRID: = ID:uuid-a21e6dc4-b67c-4120-b881-ce72882fc958

the column titled "fromXSD:type:" carries the format.		
fromXSD:type: = xsd:string. "string" is very common, but other formats are available SSN, ID, Date, even whole structures like "Contact"

the column titled "fromXSD:has:ref.value" carries the definition of the Metadata tag. 
fromXSD:has:ref.value = 'zblzAn abbreviation of a proper namezcmz usually composed of the first letters of each word in the namezpz' **SQ protected

and fromXSD:has:ref.xml:lang carries that definitions language code.
fromXSD:has:ref.xml:lang = 'EN'


Received on Thursday, 19 November 2020 23:24:29 UTC