Re: AI KR Strategist core plan

Chris, et al

Added a new role 'Human-in-the-Loop Controls' .. intent is to deploy it
for  risk mitigation, evaluate algorithms and address bias  etc..

added note:

Established human-in-the-loop workflows in acknowledgment of "Checkbox
guidelines must not be the only “instruments” of AI ethics. A transition is
required from a more deontologically oriented, action-restricting ethic
based on universal abidance of principles and rules, to a
situation-sensitive ethical approach based on virtues and personality
dispositions, knowledge expansions, responsible autonomy and freedom of
action "


It was a pleasure to clarify

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 10:09 AM Chris Fox <> wrote:

> Paola wrote
>> Having taken a look at the plan so far, it looks that some of the goals
>> are not clearly state, for example - risk -  should the goal be risk
>> aversion?
>> If you look at the document you will see the goal is fully defined as:
> Risks
> *Goal Statement:* Identify and mitigate risks and known threats
> Kind Regards,
> Chris

Received on Friday, 24 July 2020 16:46:44 UTC