Re: Synthetic Media Community Group

Adam, conceptually speaking, I believe we are violent agreement.

Provenance is also a key concept at the heart of records management.

What I look forward to learning is what, practically speaking, we might 
be able do about it by working collaboratively together -- particularly 
since basic document/records management principles seem to be too boring 
for the W3C ... and it's hard to learn to run if we do not first learn 
to crawl and walk.

To coin a Yogi Berraism 
You won't get there if you don't go there.


On 2/25/2020 7:49 PM, Adam Sobieski wrote:
> Owen,
> Also on the topics of the veracity and reliability of content is, 
> perhaps more relevant to AIKR, epistemology and the means by which to 
> ensure the accuracy of information relayed by digital characters, e.g. 
> intelligent tutoring systems and question answering systems.
> Brainstorming: referenced materials could appear atop synthesized 
> video content, in a lower third manner, as digital characters answer 
> users’ questions. This approach could be of use for both video and 
> hypervideo scenarios.
> Best regards,
> Adam
> *From: *Adam Sobieski <>
> *Sent: *Tuesday, February 25, 2020 4:47 PM
> *To: *Owen Ambur <>; 
> <>
> *Subject: *RE: Synthetic Media Community Group
> Owen,
> For those desiring more information about synthetic media, here are 
> some hyperlinks:
>  1.
>  2.
>  3.
> I enjoyed the concept of democratized creativity mentioned in the 
> article indicated by the third hyperlink. I am hoping that new 
> standards can facilitate the artificial-intelligence-enhanced 
> creation, modification, interchange, use and reuse of media including, 
> but not limited to: imagery, video, audio, speech, text, documents, 
> scripts and screenplays, dialogue, and 3D graphics. I have some ideas 
> with respect to advancing computer animation (like BML) and 
> articulatory synthesis (like SSML).
> Digital characters are a component of intelligent tutoring systems 
> which have interested me for some time.
> The output formats points you broached seem applicable to MPEG, WebM 
> and WebRTC.
> Best regards,
> Adam
> *From: *Owen Ambur <>
> *Sent: *Tuesday, February 25, 2020 1:34 PM
> *To: *Adam Sobieski <>; 
> <>
> *Subject: *Re: Synthetic Media Community Group
> Adam, I'll be interested to see how your interest cloud-based 
> automated planning relates to the StratML standard.  As your plan 
> comes together, I look forward to rendering it in StratML format for 
> inclusion in our collection at
> In the meantime, I encourage you to include StratML (ISO 17469-1) in 
> your list of related standards.
> Based upon the televideo conference that Carl Mattocks arranged today, 
> several of us will be using Chris Fox's StratNavApp to collaboratively 
> draft a plan addressing knowledge representation for AI. 
> Chris' app outputs plans and reports in StratML format.
> Rendering content in open, schema-compliant, machine-readable format 
> will greatly facilitate synthesis.
> In the CredWeb CG, I am also arguing that it will support evaluation 
> of veracity and reliability.  Why should we pay any particular 
> attention to content which ignores applicable standards?
> Owen
> On 2/25/2020 12:06 AM, Adam Sobieski wrote:
>     Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Community Group,
>       Introduction
>     A new W3C Community Group is launching: the /Synthetic Media
>     Community Group/. I would like to invite you to support the
>     creation of this group and to join this new group:
> .
>     Our group is interested in every component of the modern
>     architectures of artificial intelligence with which to generate or
>     synthesize media and interactive media content.
>     We intend to advance the state of the art with a number of new
>     standards. With new and improved standards, teams and
>     organizations will be better able to explore and develop the
>     interoperable components which comprise these modern architectures
>     of artificial intelligence.
>     We hope that you can join us in the advancement of artificial
>     intelligence standards and technologies.
>       Synthetic Media
>     Synthetic media is any content created or modified algorithmically.
>     Applications of synthetic media include: education, journalism,
>     and entertainment.
>       Digital Characters
>     Our group is interested in digital characters, behavior modeling,
>     and in the numerous other topics of computer animation such as:
>     lighting, cameras, timelines, tracks, and scene graphs.
>       Dialogue Systems
>     Our group is interested in the topics of multimodal
>     mixed-initiative dialogue systems including: speech recognition,
>     natural language understanding, natural language generation and
>     speech synthesis.
>       Modeling and Simulation
>     Our group is interested in modeling and computer simulation topics.
>       Computational Narratology, Digital Screenplays and Interactive
>       Narrative
>     Computer-generated stories, scripts and screenplays can facilitate
>     the complex and interactive behaviors of one or more digital
>     characters including interactions between digital characters and
>     on-screen imagery, presentation slides, videos, 3D graphics,
>     virtual sets and video walls.
>     Our group is interested in the generation and real-time generation
>     of stories, scripts, screenplays, storyboards and cinematography.
>       Automated Planning and Scheduling
>     Automated planning is a traditional approach to generating media
>     content. Our group is interested in cloud-based automated planning
>     and scheduling.
>       Deep Learning
>     Deep learning is a recent approach to generating media content.
>     Our group is interested in cloud-based deep learning.
>       Content Evaluation and Computational Aesthetics
>     Our group is interested in the automatic evaluation of plans,
>     stories, scripts, screenplays, storyboards, cinematography, visual
>     imagery, audio, dialogues, natural language, explanations,
>     presentations and other media content.
>     Computational aesthetics and evaluation technologies can be of use
>     in guiding search, when comparing alternatives, when making design
>     decisions, and when training neural systems.
>       Existing Standards and Technologies
>     Existing standards and technologies relevant to our group include,
>     but are not limited to: FML, BML, MURML, SSML, SMIL, WebRTC, HTML,
>     RDF, and JavaScript.
>       Conclusion
>     Thank you. We hope that you can join us in the advancement of
>     artificial intelligence standards and technologies.
>     Best regards,
>     Adam Sobieski

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 04:13:38 UTC