youtube talk by Leora Morgenstern

found this interseting video talk

Owen: to make a video talk, is the same as giving any talk ust instead of
having your audience in the room, you have them listenting to your recording

ie, prepare a talk outline on your laptop. login youtube, point your device
at your smile, and press : record video now :-) thats the easiest way. you
may scrap the bad takes.
you can also share the video privately if you prefer

a great chrome extension I use is called screencastify.will record you talk
while capturing the screen
(in case you want to talk over some slides instead of having the cam point
at you)

Not necessary for everyone to be online at the same time to say a few
words, no?
 but we could organise a webinar or online panel if we have enough input
and want to have a discussion on some key points including with some guests
if they are interested...


Received on Monday, 17 February 2020 10:21:28 UTC