LP course, and who on this list teaches KR?

Dear all

Vinay C kindly shared the book they are using to teach at Stanford
 a most valuable resource and above all, its free online- thanks

It is also a good example of one of the problems I am tackling:
based on a search of the website for the key term 'knowledge
representation' (see the results below)
although LP is a key KR technique, students are not taught it as KR -
neither what is KR (in general) what KR should be/do to be ádequate, how LP
relates to other KR techniques  and other core KR topics.  So unless this
course/teaching resource is a subset of a more articulate and mandatory AI
curriculum that teaches what KR is (the theory part. about FOL and other
key elements of KR as a discipline) a student could take this LP course
having never learned what is KR as a whole and what it does and what part
of a KR requirement LP satisfies. etc.  A student can take the course on LP
or Baeysian networks for example, having never hear of knowledge

This could be one of the causes of the heterogeneity in KR educational

I d like to know how many of the 60 folks on this list are involved in
teaching apart from Vinay (please respond privately or on list) so that I
can try to work more closely on this

Thank you!

References - Logic Programming
C. Baral, M. Gelfond: "Logic Programming and *Knowledge Representation*",
in the Journal of Logic Programming, 19-20, 1994, 73-148, ...
Readings - Logic Programming
... Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, 2019.
... M. Gelfond: *Knowledge Representation*, Reasoning, and the Design of
Intelligent ...
Basic Logic Programming - Stanford University
Unlike other texts, it takes datasets as a fundamental notion, thereby
bridging the gap between programming languages and *knowledge
representation* ...
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Programmers can get by with little or no *knowledge* of the capabilities
and ... concerned with the *representation* of rule and regulations in
computable form.
Chapter 2 - Datasets
While graphs and tables are intuitively appealing, a sentential
*representation* is ... of the world can make it impossible to express
certain kinds of *knowledge*.
Search for knowledge representation on Google

Received on Monday, 17 February 2020 05:05:18 UTC