NSCAI Recommendations

The first quarter recommendations of the U.S. National Security 
Commission on Artificial Intelligence are now available in StratML 
format at https://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#NSCAI

Here are a couple of their key recommendations:

    Objective 5.1-3
    AI Collaboration Plan - Based on the assessment of allied
    comparative strengths, the U.S. National Security Point of Contact
    for AI should convene a multilateral working group for AI
    collaboration and interoperability, beginning with the Five Eyes, to
    develop a plan for deeper AI collaboration.

The plan should be published in an open, standard, machine-readable 
format like StratML.  New and better online services should be developed 
to support more efficient and effective collaboration focusing 
explicitly on the objectives set forth in the plan(s).

The allies should document their respective capabilities in performance 
plans and reports in such a machine-readable format.

POCs and working groups are incapable of effectively addressing the 
breadth and depth of the issues without such machine-readable data and 
supporting online services.  Lacking such data and services, the proper 
name for their role is "scapegoat" and the outcomes will inevitably be 

    Objective 6.4
    Documentation - Develop Strategies for Documentation.

Both the strategies as well as documentation of the AI agents themselves 
should be published in an open, standard, machine-readable format.  
Otherwise there is no hope of scaling cooperative efforts to the scope 
and pace of the problem.

One hopeful sign is that the word "metrics" appears 15 times in the 
recommendations.  On the other hand, although the word "machine" occurs 
14 times, the word "readable" appears not even once, thus implying a 
highly immature process. 


Received on Saturday, 25 April 2020 20:22:47 UTC