International eGovernance (Re: follow up on the Taipei conference and other things)


On the subject on eGovernance, there is an open effort going on about
storing french law in sqlite database. I can not remember the actual
project url (maybe there are several).

It seems to me to be a good starting point (the tip of the iceberg) to
keep track (addition, deletion or update) of such things an the
international level. Eventually interop at some point with similar
effort for more local legislations. It will help raise awareness about
the work that is done at the global level and how those are adapted in
actual federations (like the European Union) and countries (France,
Japan etc...).

For example, a practical use case I forsee:

a) is to help with getting the law done by being able to look up
similar law e.g. to check whether they enter in contradiction,

b) Predict and explain the effect of policy change before the change happen.

Maybe such efforts already exists?

Le sam. 16 nov. 2019 à 10:03, Paola Di Maio <> a écrit :
> Greetings folks
> sorry I have been quiet.
> After the Taipei conference  i relocated from the west coast to the east coast, which was a bit of a trauma especially because I live in countries where I dont speak the language and I am in the hands of kind strangers. I have now settled in a place with a sea view overlooking the pacific ocean, which is wonderful. but have been veery busy just getting organized
> I am now more or less back to work- wih a winter ahead of me of writing and surfing - or watching other people surf.
> Here are the slides of the talk in Taipei, it was well received
> I started a draft paper, and the conference organisers IAC, say their journal is serious but new, with no big impact factor nor anything much yet.
>  If someone is up to publish a paper in a better ranked journal, we can split the draft into two papers, they have no objections
> Two things have followed since:
> I have had an abstract accepted for a talk in Beijing, with a paper to follow on the talk
> KR and Brain Informatics (in december 2019), and an invited paper for a conference on KR and Autonomous systems, also for a conference in 2020 - both conferences are awaiting a paper submissions in Springer Journals
> I am going to focus on finishing two papers for the special issue before xmas, and welcome
> co authors for the other three papers on the following topics
> AI KR on eGovernance, Brain Informatics and Autonoumous systems
> with most deadlines to fall within the first semester of 2020
> Please do ping me if interested to write something together
> I suspect this would be the time to do a conference call on each of the topics of interest
> to make sure we can find alighment in our intentions and modalities among potential co authors
> What have people been up to in the realm of AI KR?
> Anything to share?
> P

Amirouche ~

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2019 09:48:40 UTC