Re: Emergent Semantics

Thanks Adam
Looks like its up and running already
is there an online demo and something we can click on

On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 11:21 AM Adam Sobieski <>

> Semantic Web Interest Group,
> Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Community Group,
> Paola Di Maio,
> The specific scenarios that the data structures were devised for include
> modeling natural language and narrative. The data structures can be made
> more general-purpose. Utilizing parametric polymorphism – generics – the
> indicated graph-based data structure can generalize from scenarios
> involving the interrelating of events to scenarios involving the
> interrelating of arbitrary other data structures.
> The preliminary interface could generalize to:
> public interface IGraph<TNode, TEdge> : IIndividual
> {
>     //string Id { get; set; }
>     //IGraph<TNode, TEdge> GetSubgraphById(string id);
>     IGraph<TNode, TEdge> Root { get; }
>     IQueryable<TNode> Nodes { get; }
>     IQueryable<TEdge> Edges { get; }
>     IQueryable<IGraph<TNode, TEdge>> Subgraphs { get; }
>     TNode FindOrCreateNode(/*...*/);
>     TEdge FindOrCreateEdge(TNode source, PredicateExpression relation,
> TNode target);
>     IGraph<TNode, TEdge> FindOrCreateSubgraph(IEnumerable<TEdge> edges);
>     bool Add(TEdge edge);
>     bool Remove(TEdge edge);
>     bool Replace(TEdge remove, TEdge add);
>     bool Contains(TEdge edge);
>     IList<CompoundExpression> Semantics { get; }
> }
> We could also utilize two interfaces, as per:
> public interface ISubgraph<TNode, TEdge> : IIndividual
> {
>     string Id { get; set; }
>     IGraph<TNode, TEdge> Root { get; }
>     IQueryable<TNode> Nodes { get; }
>     IQueryable<TEdge> Edges { get; }
>     bool Contains(TEdge edge);
>     IList<CompoundExpression> Semantics { get; }
> }
> public interface IGraph<TNode, TEdge> : IIndividual
> {
>     ISubgraph<TNode, TEdge> GetSubgraphById(string id);
>     IQueryable<TNode> Nodes { get; }
>     IQueryable<TEdge> Edges { get; }
>     IQueryable<ISubgraph<TNode, TEdge>> Subgraphs { get; }
>     TNode FindOrCreateNode(/*...*/);
>     TEdge FindOrCreateEdge(TNode source, PredicateExpression relation,
> TNode target);
>     ISubgraph<TNode, TEdge> FindOrCreateSubgraph(IEnumerable<TEdge> edges);
>     bool Add(TEdge edge);
>     bool Remove(TEdge edge);
>     bool Replace(TEdge remove, TEdge add);
>     bool Add(IEnumerable<TEdge> edges);
>     bool Remove(IEnumerable<TEdge> edges);
>     bool Replace(IEnumerable<TEdge> remove, IEnumerable<TEdge> add);
>     bool Contains(TEdge edge);
>     IList<CompoundExpression> Semantics { get; }
> }
> In the indicated source code, a CompoundExpression is a predicate
> calculus expression – the semantic data upon events, graphs and subgraphs
> are sets of predicate calculus expressions.
> Design topics include providing access to arbitrary subgraphs, for
> instance by specifying sets of edges. The method FindOrCreateSubgraph,
>     ISubgraph<TNode, TEdge> FindOrCreateSubgraph(IEnumerable<TEdge> edges);
> looks up a subgraph, based upon its composition as a set of edges, and, if
> the data structure cannot find an existing subgraph data structure, it
> creates a new one to return. The graphs and subgraphs can be full-fledged
> objects, with properties, and, with:
>     IList<CompoundExpression> Semantics { get; }
> one can attach semantic data to them. That is the gist: to be able to
> access arbitrary subgraphs of a graph, either to get or set properties upon
> them or to access semantic data upon them.
> Best regards,
> Adam
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Paola Di Maio <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 26, 2019 12:24:58 AM
> *To:* Adam Sobieski
> *Cc:* ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program;;
> *Subject:* Re: Emergent Semantics
> Dear Adam
> thanks for sharing
> please give examples of what to do with this, and what benefit it brings
> thanks
> On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 8:27 AM Adam Sobieski <>
> wrote:
>> Semantic Web Interest Group,
>> Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Community Group,
>> Milton Ponson,
>> I have modeled, in a preliminary manner, the recursive tree-based and
>> graph-based data structures which I previously described in this thread.
>> In the file:
>> , one can observe a tree node data structure such that semantic data can be
>> attached. In the context of natural language, such data structures could be
>> of use for modeling lexemes, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and so forth.
>> The attached semantic data can be described as, at least in part, emergent
>> – sentences, for instance, can have more semantics than the sum of the
>> semantic data of their parts. The contents of the semantic data upon such
>> tree nodes could be populated by processes including varieties of
>> inferencing which occur during reading comprehension.
>> In the file:
>> ,
>> one can observe event nodes, event edges and event graphs. Events can have
>> semantic data attached to them. Event graphs, graphs of interrelated
>> events, can have semantic data attached to them. Event graphs are modeled
>> in such a way that arbitrary event subgraphs can be found or created by
>> specifying sets of edges. Events, event graphs and arbitrary event
>> subgraphs can each have semantic data attached to them. The contents of the
>> semantic data upon such events, event graphs and arbitrary subgraphs could
>> be populated by processes including varieties of inferencing which occur
>> during reading comprehension.
>> Best regards,
>> Adam Sobieski
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2019 9:56:07 AM
>> *To:* Adam Sobieski;;
>> *Subject:* Re: Emergent Semantics
>> IMHO the following is a viable starting point for a broad discussion on
>> semantics and natural language.
>> Statement:"language deals with domains of discourse that allow inner
>> reflection, or transmitting or recording about domains of discourse"
>> From this starting point we can unify Buddhist logical systems,
>> philosophy, religion, science, logic and mathematics in the process showing
>> that they are all subject to Godel's Incompleteness Theorem.
>> The only way out of this is to strive for consistency using generalized
>> conceptual frameworks such as can be created by using category theory.
>> Buddhists, linguists, neuro-scientists and psychologists are  slowly
>> converging in their efforts to arrive at cognitive architectures and formal
>> models for consciousness.
>> And what is emerging is the means to structure AI and AGI in a truly
>> universal way, beyond mere machine learning.
>> Milton Ponson
>> GSM: +297 747 8280
>> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
>> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
>> Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to
>> all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied
>> mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development
>> On Saturday, May 18, 2019 9:37 PM, Adam Sobieski <
>>> wrote:
>> Semantic Web Interest Group,
>> Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Community Group,
>> Greetings. I would like to broach, for discussion, emergence and emergent
>> semantics.
>> We can envision data structures, e.g. trees and graphs, which contain
>> recursive substructures, e.g. subtrees and subgraphs, such that each
>> substructure can be adorned with semantic content. We can refer to this
>> content which adorns structures and substructures as *emergent semantics*
>> .
>> An example scenario is that of natural language where sentences are
>> comprised of lexemes and where sentences are thought to have more semantic
>> content than the sum of the semantic content of the lexemes. Another
>> example is that of narratives, comprised of events, where narratives are
>> thought to have more semantic content than the sum of the semantic content
>> of the events which comprise a fabula.
>> In the example of natural language, we can envision lexeme data
>> structures as being adorned with semantics (collections of triples, quads
>> or predicate calculus expressions) which indicate the meanings of the
>> lexemes. We can envision phrases, containing and comprised of the lexemes,
>> as being adorned with semantic content. We can envision sentences,
>> containing phrases and lexemes, as being similarly adorned. Paragraphs,
>> comprised of sentences, may, too, be adorned with emergent semantics—and so
>> on.
>> In the example of narratives, we can envision event data structures as
>> being adorned with semantics which indicate the events’ meanings/contents.
>> We can envision graphs of interrelated events as being adorned with
>> emergent semantic content. We can envision graphs containing subgraphs of
>> interrelated events – each structure and substructure adorned with emergent
>> semantics.
>> Is there any interest here in emergent semantics? Could anybody recommend
>> any hyperlinks or publications?
>> Best regards,
>> Adam Sobieski

Received on Monday, 27 May 2019 05:19:14 UTC