Re: Applications


thanks for the post  and for sharing your docs
I have only briefly glanced through them - working on deadlines all the
time -
and it looks interesting.
I think many of us struggle to be coherent and no, this forum primary goal
is not  psychoanalysis although many of us could do with some :-)

Sharing thoughts can help us better formulate questions
I would be grateful if you could explain a bit more of  what you are
sharing with us, and what kind of input you d like to receive on the docs,
or explain how these can contribute to the mission

thank you,


On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 2:43 AM Sebastian Samaruga <>

> Sorry if I dare to post my spare thoughts again in this lists. I apologize
> but it is in the hope of sharing what comes into my writings trying to look
> for someone with more knowledge to "validate" or to "guide" my points of
> view.
> Going through my most recent attempts of having something concrete for
> sharing in plain English I realize one mistake I'm committing: I'm trying
> to describe combustion vehicles (Hypermedia Applications) saying that
> petroleum exists (Semantic Intelligence).
> As long as my post are going I've just got a stack of (incoherent)
> "analysis" documents as the result of my work. And I had only those until
> now because I was stuck because of the previously mentioned mistake (ah,
> and because of my Bipolar Disease maniac episodes...).
> So, I should try to describe applications instead and see how and where
> fuel should burn properly inside a motion vehicle to generate traction.
> Every semicolon I write is updated into my GitHub repository, so, sorry if
> you browse that "scrapbook" and you don't find anything even intelligible.
> There is a brief technical description work in progress document. For now
> it just a list of statements about a potential backend. Session and
> Inteteraction layers are not specified.
> Best Regards,
> Sebastian Samaruga:

Received on Monday, 15 April 2019 00:49:00 UTC