article, terms and maybe a call at some point?

Greets all -
Hope folks had a nice summer and thought of some terms around which to
start forming our core vocab.

Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge representation

were two initial suggestions quite important word to try to figure out-

Has anybody tentatively entered some other definitions anywhere for

Please prepare /enter some key terms   and at some point soon we could try
to accept/reject/modify existing suggestions, I prefer to do this asynch
but we could try getting on a call if people are inclined and we manage to
find a time that suits

I  am going to be in Japan next week for a few days, and hope to get back
to this important work when I come back. Anyone in Japan in this list?

Here is important reading, we are not the only ones trying to pin down



Received on Saturday, 15 September 2018 09:13:42 UTC