Re: Human Brain Project

Thank you very much Owen, and Milton

Yes we can use the wiki to start brainstorming around concepts and terms, I
created the forms as eventually it will be useful to have them entered into
a spreadsheet
the wiki and form/spreadsheet can be complementary-

Feel free to start jotting down stuff

wonder if we may need to revise our 'process' so that every term entered
into either form or wiki will eventually have to be 'voted' by a given
number of CG participants
-say 3 or 5? - to make it into our final 'recommended' vocabulary

Dr Paola Di Maio
Center For Technology Ethics and  Chair: W3C AIKR  <>

*A bit about me <>*

On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 12:30 AM ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <> wrote:

> Formal mathematical frameworks for modeling consciousness, cognition,
> reasoning and learning, quantum physics and  Madhyamaka Buddhist logic in
> combination have been a topic of anthropocentric research.
> The problem with the statements by Michio Kaku and David Eagleman is that
> they describe an anthropocentric world whereas AI will have to deal in the
> future with applications where interactions with other species on Planet
> Earth are necessary.
> Cognition and consciousness are found in almost all sentient beings and
> have two things in common sensory apparatus and neural tissues for
> processing, storing and acting upon sensory and stored information.
> Consciousness does NOT drive our long term agendas, see:
> Scientists Reveal the Number of Times You're Actually Conscious Each Minute
> <>
> Scientists Reveal the Number of Times You're Actually Conscious Each Mi...
> By Emma Betuel
> Spoiler: It's not very often (and that's a good thing).
> <>
> When we truly want to build an adequate model for AI KR we need to focus
> on how we process sensory input and store this in our neural tissues.
> Most of what we do as human beings and also in other sentient beings is
> biologically hardwired, from culture, religious experience, tribal behavior
> and even our reasoning.
> I am a firm believer of the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
> approach to modeling AI KR as one of the best ways to create AI that can
> deal with more than just humans in our modern technologically advanced
> society.
> Milton Ponson
> GSM: +297 747 8280
> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
> Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to
> all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied
> mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development
> On Friday, August 24, 2018 10:41 PM, Owen Ambur <>
> wrote:
> The goals and objectives of the HBP are now available in StratML format at
> With reference to Objective 7.1.2:
> <>Consciousness
> - Determine how consciousness is generated by the brain, Michio Kaku
> defines *consciousness* as:
> *the process of creating a model of the world using multiple feedback
> loops … in order to accomplish a goal**.  *
> David Eagleman downplays the role of consciousness in determining our
> behavior, most of which is on autopilot. He asserts, “To the extent that
> consciousness is useful, it is useful in small quantities, and for very
> particular kinds of tasks.”  However, he acknowledges its responsibility
> for *very important* tasks – those which distinguish us as human beings:
> *Conscious parts of the brain train other parts of the neural
> machinery, establishing the goals and allocating the
> resources… Consciousness is the long-term planner, the CEO of the company,
> while most of the day-to-day operations are run by all those parts of her
> brain to which she has no access…  This is what consciousness does: it sets
> the goals, and the rest of the system learns how to meet them.*
> I look forward to learning the degree to which this group may: a) become
> an artificially intelligent consciously connected community, b) help build
> a pre-frontal core-text for the Web, and c) help avoid the automation of
> pernicious, unconscious behavior in artificially un-intelligent agents.
> &
> &
> Owen Ambur
> Chair, StratML <> Working Group
> Co-Chair Emeritus, CoP <>
> Webmaster, FIRM <>
> Profile <> on LinkedIn | Personal Home
> Page <>
> *From:* ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <>
> *Sent:* Friday, August 24, 2018 2:36 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Updates and or follow up for the W3C AI-KR CG
> Dear all,
> I gather we now have a wiki and web pages accessible to all.
> As I mentioned from the beginning, in the end the ontology engineering is
> what it will boil down to.
> So why do we not collective start producing a list of available
> publications (printed books, ebooks, student theses, deliverables from
> subsidized research projects e.g. from the European Union, focusing on
> ontology engineering, machine learning and knowledge representation. This
> could be added in the Topics section where it will also help to illustrate
> which aspects and issues are already well documented and researched.
> The ethical use of AI has become a HOT issue in the United Nations, with
> the main discussion being promoted by UNESCO.
> And also take a look at
> Milton Ponson
> GSM: +297 747 8280
> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
> *Project Paradigm*: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to
> all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied
> mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development

Received on Sunday, 26 August 2018 09:16:01 UTC