[Understanding and Techniques Feedback]


On the page https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/three-flashes-or-below-threshold.html in the "general flash and red flash thresholds" section, there is the sentence "Content automatically passes (see #1 and #2 above).", but I don't see what these numbers refer to.  Might these number labels be added in the document, or the numbers become links to the sections that they refer to?

Thank you.


Mike Tschudi | Sr. Principal Software Development Engineer, Solutions Division
Esri | 380 New York St | Redlands, CA 92373 | USA
T +1 909 369 1531 | mtschudi@esri.com<mailto:mtschudi@esri.com> | esri.com<http://www.esri.com/>

Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 11:03:48 UTC