Understanding and Techniques

Hello there,

First of all, absolute awesome work.
The world now is better because of it, and the future has a chance of being even better because of your commitment.

It’s been really challenging to find firm rules and guides regarding 
Slideshow banners GIF, commonly used as banner ads in mobile web and app.

I’m calling a slideshow GIF a file that has:
Multiple frames (more than 3)
High contrast graphics: logo and/or product shot against white background, no text;
Frame stays on view for 2-5 seconds 
Then the whole graphic area is removed and replaced by a new frame, as in a photo album
No transition, no movement, no sliding, no pushing, no fading, no blinking
New frame stays on vies for 2-5 seconds
Loop back to 1st frame, infinite

Thank you for your guidance.

Alex Francisco

Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2024 08:49:53 UTC