Feedback on wcag 3.0

Hello Silver W3 – Wcag 3.0  Team

Looking to provide some insight on some improvement I’d like to suggest to
the WCAG 3.0

Feedback issue Notes

I Love this new section for the how to’s. section with the way it handles
breaking down the chunking of the content

Unforunately for my learning style, examples are pretty critical when I
start to talk about or learn about a topic.

In this scenario below of the how tos Get Started, explains the summary
description of a particular issue in text & the 5th tab examples sections
which is  far away from the description of the issue.. examples tab is
great with  lots of detailed examples.

whenever we talk about Summary level Defining an issue or a problem having
couple easy examples there next to the issue overview /summary description
to speak to what we are talking about is pretty critical in Helping with
comprehension and cognitive abilities.

 if it included a few visual examples of the issues Would be helpful if

Similarly could be provided to the main wcag 3.0 ( silver ) guideline page

Just using the how-tos as an example. ( screenshot embedded of text
alternatives how-to UI with side panel nav and the getting started tab

- Kevin Boyko

Received on Monday, 1 March 2021 00:10:45 UTC