Networks, Agriculture, and the Internet Web

Dear All,

Supposedly there are events conditioned by an 2017 ITU news page or events
covered by the news (which is about the ITU and the FAO of the UN and
Innovation in Agriculture:

A current trend in the Internet is "limited domains" which consisting of
"(geographic) networks".

And, as a space of information, the (World Wide) Web is just connected with
the networks of computers, the Internet: supposedly with the trends of
"limited domains"...

Human society  may attempt its security, its survivality , by activities
relating with "agriculture-based networks". Thus, may we consider the
"limited domains" link to the "agriculture-based networks" as human society
struggles for its survivality...

Guntur Wiseno Putra

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2019 08:31:13 UTC