RE: Intro to ACT Workshop: Poll

Hi Wilco, I hope all is well!

Our product expert Inka also works closely with Kasper and Jean-Yves in Copenhagen.  I would like her to attend the meeting along with me.  I've shared the dates in the Doodle poll with her to get a sense of when you were thinking of holding the meeting.   Is it possible to get her on the community group list to join in support?

Let me know if there are any concerns.


Jennifer Chadwick, CPACC, CUA
Lead Accessibility Strategist and Senior Product Expert, International



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From: Wilco Fiers <>
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2021 5:40 AM
To: ACT Rules CG <>
Subject: Intro to ACT Workshop: Poll

Hey folks,
It appears there is a great deal of interest in participating in an ACT intro meeting. I've set up a doodle poll to figure out a date, which I am hoping I can announce next week. Please fill out the poll before the end of the week:<>

If you have any issues using Doodle, please reach out to me directly.

Kind regards,

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 3:48 PM Wilco Fiers <<>> wrote:
Hey folks,
In the past few months, several participants have joined the group. I was talking to Carlos about this, and we wondered if it might be beneficial to organize a little "intro to ACT workshop". The goal of it would be to set people that are fairly new to the group up for contributing (as much or as little as you are comfortable with).

I think the topics would (at least) include.

1. Basics of ACT rules
2. What our processes are like
3. Github 101
4. Q&A

If you are interested, please send me an e-mail. I'm first just going to gage interest before we decide when/how. The meeting will be open to anyone, but I'm going to pick a meeting day/time based on when new participants are available. So, interested? Let me know!

Wilco Fiers
Axe-core product owner - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair ACT-R

Join me at axe-con<> 2021: a free digital accessibility conference.

Wilco Fiers
Axe-core product owner - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair ACT-R

Join me at axe-con<> 2021: a free digital accessibility conference.

Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 19:25:29 UTC