Fwd: Call for review: Remove 2nd WCAG reference: 1.4.10 #1756

And adding in the community group to review!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Helen Burge <hburgeassltd@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 at 20:12
Subject: Call for review: Remove 2nd WCAG reference: 1.4.10 #1756
To: <public-wcag-act@w3.org>

Hi All,

This pull request removes 1.4.10 as a second WCAG reference to the rule
that is not required. Zoom is a 1.4.4 requirement, and the reflow part is
more about the size of the screen with zoom. This review period lasts 1
week, ending on December 26th. If you have any concerns with the change,
please request changes on the pull request before that date (though
unlikely to be actioned before the new year so do not feel too rushed!):



Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2021 09:27:02 UTC