- From: Abou-Zahra, Shadi <sabouzah@amazon.at>
- Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2021 19:21:11 +0000
- To: Wilco Fiers <wilco.fiers@deque.com>, ACT CG <public-act-r@w3.org>, AGWG <w3c-wai-gl@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <636cd77568f4423ab0337ab43f736a0b@EX13D25EUA002.ant.amazon.com>
Welcome Jean-Yves as new Co-Chair, and many thanks Wilco for all your work getting this Community Group started and leading it for so many years. Together with others, this group contributed to better testability of WCAG 2 and the upcoming WCAG 3 as well. Congratulations on your accomplishments in this space! Best, Shadi --- Shadi Abou-Zahra Amazon, Devices Accessibility Principal Standards and Policy Manager --- From: Wilco Fiers <wilco.fiers@deque.com> Sent: Tuesday, 14 December, 2021 1:08 PM To: ACT Rules CG <public-act-r@w3.org>; GLWAI Guidelines WG org <w3c-wai-gl@w3.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Announcement: Jean-Yves Moyen taking over as chair of ACT-Rules CG CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hello everyone, I wanted to let you all know that as of this week, Jean-Yves Moyen is going to take over my role as co-chair of the ACT-Rules Community Group, along with current co-chair Carlos Duarte. Meaning that after 7.5 years of chairing this group, I am stepping down. It has been a real joy to have had the opportunity to lead this group. To see it grow, and accomplish the many things it did. I want to thank all current and past members of ACT-Rules and of Auto-WCAG for their fantastic contributions. And I especially want to thank Jean-Yves and Carlos for continuing to be leaders in this field. While I am no longer chair, I will continue to participate as a member of the ACT-Rules Community Group. I will also continue as co-facilitator of the ACT Task Force, and intend for this change to free up more of my time to work on WCAG 3.0 project management. Kind regards, -- Wilco Fiers Axe-core & Axe-linter product owner - WCAG 3 Project Manager - Facilitator ACT Task Force [cid:BCBD7D4B-677E-4B95-AE3F-60005DBD9EE4] Amazon Development Center Austria GmbH Brueckenkopfgasse 1 8020 Graz Oesterreich Sitz in Graz Firmenbuchnummer: FN 439453 f Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht fuer Zivilrechtssachen Graz
Received on Tuesday, 14 December 2021 19:21:43 UTC