Re: Announcing co-chair for ACT-Rules CG

Hey everyone

Kudos Carlos for new position and good luck with new exciting tasks in the community.

Kind regards

Adil Hussain
Higher Executive Officer
Norwegian Authority for Universal Design of ICT

Mob: +47 455 757 13
Skrivarvegen 2, 6863 Leikanger, NO
Norgwegian Digitalisation Agency
Postboks 1382 Vika, 0114 Oslo, NO


Fra: Wilco Fiers <>
Sendt: fredag 11. september 2020 13:28
Til: ACT Rules CG <>; Carlos Alberto Pacheco dos Anjos Duarte <>
Emne: Announcing co-chair for ACT-Rules CG

Hey folks,
I wanted to let you all know that as of this week, Carlos Duarte will be joining me as chair of the ACT-Rules Community Group. Carlos has been a member of the community group for several years now, he has a lot of experience writing and implementing rules.

I am excited to have Carlos join me as chair, and to get his help in bringing greater consistency to accessibility testing.

Kind regards,

Wilco Fiers
Axe for Web product owner - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair ACT-R

Received on Monday, 14 September 2020 07:38:04 UTC