RE: Final call for adding WCAG techniques as requirements.

Thanks Shadi for the detailed answer.
Yes, it is indeed an artefact in the wording of the subject. I have completely overlooked that it could look like that ☹ 

Indeed, the "forConformance: false" value indicates that this (the techniques, or "using ARIA", …) is not a normative document.
The goal of this PR is to point out the link between rules and techniques in a stronger and more "official" way than just the background section. 
Notably, this tells that the rule (and the automated tools implementing it) can be used to check if a technique fails.  Even without being normative, the techniques are nonetheless useful guidelines. Thus knowing that the rules and the tools can be used to check them is also useful information.
Jean-Yves Moyen
Software Developer

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-----Original Message-----
From: Shadi Abou-Zahra <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2019 20:02
To: Katie Haritos-Shea <>; Jean-Yves Moyen <>
Cc: ACT Rules CG <>
Subject: Re: Final call for adding WCAG techniques as requirements.

Hi Katie (and others asking about this offline),

I think this is an artifact of abbreviated wording in the subject-line.

We had some rules, which we later decided are "good practice" and not really WCAG conformance. These rules in the Pull Request are all like that, marked with "forConformance: false". That is, these rules check for something but that something isn't a WCAG conformance requirement (eg. ARIA requirement, WCAG Technique, other "good practice").

The only way to refer to that "something" in the ACT Rules Format 1.0, is to use the "Accessibility Requirements Mapping" feature. Maybe it's not the best name to have picked but we debated this for long and did not come up with anything better. After all, it is a requirement, just maybe not a WCAG conformance requirement.

Anyway, there is no intention to make the WCAG Techniques normative in any way, nor are rules themselves normative.


On 27/11/2019 18:10, Katie Haritos-Shea wrote:
> Hmmm....sorry, I have been out-of-the-loop and this is the first I 
> have heard of making the WCAG techniques a 'requirement' of each rule 
> - is that correct? Can you explain a little bit more?
> I understand that this a 'rationale' for a rule. And as long as this 
> will NOT become part of a normative W3C document - I think we are OK.
> But can I get clarification on that?
> (Perhaps you know about the past fiasco of making WCAG techniques 
> normative in some places, as part of law and local standards)
> Thanks!
> ** katie **
> *Katie Haritos-Shea****
> **Principal ICT Accessibility Architect, **Board Member and W3C 
> Advisory Committee Rep for Knowbility *
> *WCAG/Section 508/ADA/AODA/QA/FinServ/FinTech/Privacy,****IAAP 
> <

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> People may forget exactly what it was that you said or did, but they 
> will never forget how you made them feel.......
> Our scars remind us of where we have been........they do not have to 
> dictate where we are going.
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 4:22 AM Jean-Yves Moyen < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi ACT rules,____
>     __ __
>     This is Final Call for a first batch of adding WCAG techniques to
>     Accessibility Mappings:____

> 0e5bc301d40dba10a0e8d40abe0f9%7C1%7C0%7C637104781154737028&amp;sdata=Y
> 2ACbW7aMI%2FR1P0yMM%2BAsjACW72P6xMFUH5LqN4QCf8%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     __ __
>     Final Call ends on December 4.____
>     __ __
>     That’s only a small batch of updates to check that it is the correct
>     way of doing it 😊If this one is OK, I’ll add the mappings to the
>     rest of he rules in larger batches…____
>     __ __
>     Perfect Your Digital Presence____
>     ____
>     Jean-Yves Moyen
>     /Software Developer/____
>     ____
>     Siteimprove 
> <

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> C637104781154737028&amp;sdata=P0nJCD1eEmFcNpfxkNZcICwXMbriM6OqI9LL4os%
> 2B6jk%3D&amp;reserved=0>____
>     ____
>     Sankt Annæ Plads 28  |  DK-1250 København K
> <>____
>     ____
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> __/
>     __ __

Shadi Abou-Zahra -;;sdata=MkK%2BdWyAB1Xd%2FNBQmMZsucV6HI86fr%2BXkn12185ADgA%3D&amp;reserved=0

Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 28 November 2019 08:32:27 UTC