- From: Mary J Ziegler <maryz@mit.edu>
- Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 13:53:34 +0000
- To: "<public-accesslearn@w3.org>" <public-accesslearn@w3.org>
- CC: David Sloan <dsloan@paciellogroup.com>
- Message-ID: <D513A993.42209%maryz@mit.edu>
Dear AccessLearn Community Group: Since our last update on 9 January 2017<https://www.w3.org/community/accesslearn/2017/01/11/accesslearn-update-january-2017/>, we have new participants, an update on our progress, and a renewed call your valued contributions! As a reminder, the overall objective for AccessLearn is to help WAI and the Education & Outreach Working Group (EWOG)<https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/> in developing the structure and content of the WAI web site further to support people working in online learning. We offer a warm welcome to the new members have joined our group. We are now at 90 participants<https://www.w3.org/community/accesslearn/participants>.. We thank all who contributed to our shared work document, linked below. We have made significant progress but look forward to more contributions. Our goal with this document is to prepare a comprehensive, sharable list of what WAI guidance applies to online learning and where there are gaps in guidance or information focused on accessibility for online learning. The document "W3C Resources and Gaps Related to Online Learning” https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHynDV-umVHF3NcKkCIuSL12lzZCj-2qS4gjmLtsXto/edit?usp=sharing is openly shared for your review. We invite you to review the additions made by your colleagues and continue to contribute to this document as follows: * Add to "W3C Resources Related to Online Learning” This first sheet is designed to list W3C WAI resources, all available under the domain www.w3c.org, with relevance to online learning. We invite you to add to this list where you know of a W3C resource relevant to online learning that is not listed. Please only add resources on the w3c domain. Due to the sheer number of techniques related to each WCAG guideline, we did not attempt to list them, but if there is a specific technique you want to add, please do. * Add to the “Information Gaps” This is the second sheet, where we invite you to read the list of gaps Workstream 2 identified, and, for each Information Gap Item listed, identify if the information gap fits into one of these scenarios (a droplist is provided in the sheet) * Information is not present on the WAI web site * Information is hard to find * Information is hard to apply to online learning * Information is hard to find and hard to apply * An Additional Comments field is also provided for your use. We rely on your experience, expertise, and knowledge to add to this inventory and analysis of existing WAI documents so our list becomes a comprehensive one. Our next touchpoint is in June 2017, when we hope to wrap up work on this document. Thank you so much for your time and let us know if you have questions. Warm Regards, Mary Ziegler and David Sloan
Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 13:56:13 UTC