RE: Question about LMS products

Hi José,

Thank you so much. I could actually read most of this, and it looks like a great study. I would still love to see an English summary if you have one.



From: Hilera González José Ramón []
Sent: January-16-16 3:32 AM
To: Lisa Snider; <>
Subject: RE: Question about LMS products

Hi Lisa.

In this book edited in 2015 you can find a chapter 9 with a study of accessibility of LMS. Unfortunately in spanish. I am copying to the editor Hector, because probably my colleague Hector has got some kind of sumary in english.

P.d: Sorry, I could not attend the meeting.


José R. Hilera
Enviado desde mi teléfono móvil.

>From my Mobile Phone.

-------- Mensaje original --------
De: Lisa Snider <<>>
Fecha: 15/01/2016 16:35 (GMT+01:00)
Para: "<<>>" <<>>
Asunto: Question about LMS products
Hi Everyone,

I enjoyed the meeting, thanks. Very excited to be part of this group!

I have cleared this email with David, who said it was okay to post so here goes...

As you could tell by my chat messages in the meeting, I am trying to find an accessible learning management system (free/paid, open source/proprietary) for two different groups, and have done a ton of research on the internet. I have found a few really good resources that talk about LMS products and accessibility, but most are from 2008-2013 and in this field things change quickly.

I am having trouble finding an LMS that is accessible to any major degree. I have heard from others that Moodle isn't bad, and Blackboard can be okay-ish. I was wondering if any of you use products that are good right out of the box? Or use products that you have been able to customize for people, no matter their ability?

Feel free to post on or off list.

Thanks so much,


Lisa Snider
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